16 years later...

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Alana was brushing her long hair in her bedroom. She wore her long-sleeved purple nightgown from last night, having just gotten up. After she was done, she tied her hair in a French braid and got up. Alana walked out of her room and went into her family's dining room downstairs behind the throne room where both her parents were.

Lilith had long blonde hair that tumbled down her back, brown eyes, and tan skin. She was tall for a woman, about 7 feet, and was taller than Lucifer.

Lucifer had short yet wavy black hair and sky-blue eyes and was as pale as a ghost. He was also only a foot shorter than Lilith.

Alana had her mother's eyes and her father's hair and complexion. She was also only a couple inches taller than Lucifer.

Both her parents smiled at her as she joined them at the table. "Morning, sweetie," Lilith greeted her.

"Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad."

"Morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?"


"That's good," Lucifer replied. Despite their smiles, Alana could tell that something was bothering her parents.

"Are guys okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't we be?" Lilith asked.

"Because you two seem stressed out. Is everything okay?"

"Well..." Lucifer looked to his wife, who gave him a nod. "The truth is, powerful demons are disappearing without a trace."

"Normally, this wouldn't bother us," Lilith added. "Demons go missing all the time; however, this is different."

"Different how?"

"Powerful overlords are disappearing, too, and the amount of those who disappeared is very concerning," Lucifer explained.

"How many?"

"Honestly, we're not sure, but I'd say it's numerous. Plus, I have a feeling it's going to keep happening until we get to the bottom of this," Lucifer explained.

"How come I'm only hearing about this now?"

"Because we didn't think it was an issue at first, but considering how the numbers keep climbing, it'd be best if we told you," Lilith explained.

"Can I help?"

"No!" Lucifer immediately exclaimed.

"What your father means is that it could be dangerous. You have to keep in mind that these are powerful demons that are disappearing. We don't want the same to happen to you."

"I get that, but I'm not a child anymore. Besides, you guys want me to be queen one day, right? So, why not let me get my hands dirty, so I'll be more prepared in the future."

"There's a difference between getting your hands dirty and putting yourself in danger," Lucifer pointed out, though his voice was shaking from anxiety. "Actually," Lilith said, "she's right."

"Wait, what?"

"Luci, she will be queen of Hell someday, and that comes with risks. We both agreed to let her do things on her own so she could learn how to handle such risks. She is an adult, after all."

Lucifer sighed and ran his hand through his hair. The idea of his daughter getting into a potentially dangerous situation really shook him up. Seeing this, Lilith reached over and gently placed her hand on his. He looked up to see her giving him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, Dad," Alana said. "I'll have you and Mom to help me. I promise; I'll be careful."

Lucifer couldn't help but smile and nodded. "Alright, Alana, you can help us."

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