Chapter one. Funeral Service.

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THE AIR seemed so empty, so dense, and Lorelei constantly felt as if she couldn't breathe. It all seemed so crazy to her. 'A house fire?' Lorelei thought as she adjusted the black cardigan draped over her shoulders.

"Lorelei-" her mother shuffled into the bathroom she was closed in, "we have to go dear, we can't be late." She knew her mother was hurting too, but on the outside she seemed so calm and collected about it all. Like it was normal to be going to your cousins funeral on a Saturday afternoon.

As the two of them walked out arm-in-arm, Lorelei's mind was elsewhere. Mostly what was going to happen once this was all over. Would she be able to just go back to how it was before? She honestly didn't know, and she was beyond scared to find out.

"We are gathered here today to honor our fallen friend, Jessica Moore. Those who knew her know that she was a bright, beautiful, talented young woman who would light up the room with a single smile."

It all felt fake. It all was fake. Lorelei had never seen half of these people before. She knew some of them would be friends from college, but Jessica had never told her about most of them. But as Lorelei always did, she kept her mouth closed, and her mouth stayed closed for the entire service.

Not long after the dirt had buried not just her family, but her heart as well, the group of people had filed out. Leaving only Lorelei, her mother, and one other person.

"We should go sweetie, you'll catch a cold." Her mother rubbed her shoulders sympathetically, but it did nothing to soothe the ache in her soul.

"Just give me a few minutes- please. I'll be down in a bit." Her mother nodded in agreement, thus leaving the broken girl on her own.

It was only now that Lorelei could finally let her tears fall, her body shaking as a result. So she did. She finally felt the hot tears roll down her frozen rosy cheeks. But it wasn't long before Lorelei had to push them away once again.

"Was she family?" A voice came from behind her, and she turned to find a boy, one with dried streaks of tears on his face similar to her own.

"Uh-cousin." Her hand found her face, wiping the wetness from it.

"I'm so sorry." He came closer, standing beside her to watch her cousins grave.

"Were you and Jess close?" Lorelei asked the boy.

"Yeah, she was my-my girlfriend." She sputters slightly, now remembering the vague mention of a boy name Sam from Jessica.

"Oh, oh I'm so sorry," her hand came to cover her mouth, "Sam, right?"

"Uh yeah. I'm guessing she mentioned me then?" Letting out a small laugh, she replied.

"Yes she did. Quite a few times actually." Just as Sam smiled Lorelei heard the voice of her mother calling from a few feet away.

"I should probably go, but uh... thank you."

Sam was beyond confused by her statement and proceeded to ask her why.

"You made her happy. Thank you for that." And with that, Lorelei turned and began the muddy trek towards her mothers car, leaving Sam on his own to ponder what she had said.

'You made her happy.' Sam had never felt like he made anyone happy before, and he felt a strange tinge in his chest as he thought about it.

That night, Sam did something he never thought he'd do. He called home.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 21 ⏰

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