Step Six

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How to: Be original.
"Jessica was the typical snobby, blonde cheerleader bitch."


Back up! What just happened? Why is every cheerleader snobby and blonde? Why do all the nerds have large, bulky, broken glasses? Why are the jocks guys and have horrible grades?

I would like to read a book where the nerd happens to be the most popular kid! Where the cheerleaders are the nicest people on earth! And where the jocks have amazing grades!

Books are one of the only places where stereotypes can be avoided, well why the hell aren't they? Maybe the bitchiest girl can be a part of the art club, and the nerds are the most popular people in the school.

My point is, utilize the fact that you can break stereotypes in books.

For my werewolf lovers:
In many werewolf books I see this pattern-
1. Girl finds boy (or vice versa).
2. They are mates.
3. Boy is alpha. Ruthless, bitter, yada yada. Girl is sweet, kind and whatever else is associated with a virgin.
4. Boy tells girl that he is a werewolf at the last fucking minute possible, or she finds out on accident. Or, she is a werewolf and knows that he is one too.
5. Girl is forced/happily obliges to live with boy.
6. Happily ever after with babies.

Break the boundaries of the sexes! Make the girl a badass, silver haired alpha with a pixie cut! Make the guy have long hair and a badass back story as to why he is a rogue!

I'd like to read a book like that! I don't say this out of hate for cliche werewolf books, but after seeing the same thing over and over again, it gets kinda boring.

For my vampire fanatics:
All vampires are...
1. Attractive.
2. So old, but are still fucking with 17 year olds because they look 17.
3. Super passionate about one thing.
4. Can not control their thirst for blood, even when they are 1,000 years old.

Yes, I enjoy books where this happens, but think about how weird it is that they all usually have these components. I enjoyed a book where there was a sorceress vampire (which technically can't happen) and an alternate universe where a human travelled because they were taking advantage of her. I loved that book! It was both different and great!

Be unique!

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