How it all began

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(I obvi do not own FIR or Deuce or Hollywood Undead.)


 4 years ago 

 na na na, na na na, na na na na na na na. I am aware that I am an asshole. I really don't care about all of that though. 

My ringtone blares waking me up. At least its my favorite band, Falling in Reverse and the voice of my favorite singer Ronnie Radke.

 "Hello?" I speak grumpily into the phone.

 "ARE YOU READY? WE'RE FREE BIRDS AS OF TODAY!" My best friend Ridley screams into the phone, nearly breaking my eardrums. Today we're moving out into an apartment together. I just finished getting my associates in business with 1 year left in my masters degree for photography, and Ridley is 3 years into getting her bachelors degree in Psychology. Which means after me being graduated for 2 years and her for 3, we have finally earned enough money to get our own places, and yes I am very aware living with your mom at the ages of 20 (almost 21) and 22 is a little lame.

 "Rid, you are way to excited for 8 in the morning. Chill your roll."

 "How can I chill when a, We're moving out and b, I just managed to get us both tickets and backstage passes to a Deuce concert tonight at 8!!" Deuce is actually probably her favorite human being on earth. I thought I had a big obsession with Ryan Seaman but hers trumps mine any day. Although I must say I am a fan of him myself. 

"NO FRIGGIN' WAY?!" I shout back at her. 

"Yes way. Now get the heck out of bed and pack up the car so we won't be late!" I hang up the phone and totally skip getting ready for the day. I'll worry about that later. So in Falling in Reverse pj's, messy hair and fuzzy purple house slippers, I quickly grab boxes and pack them into my car. About ten minutes after I get my car fully packed up, Ridley pulls up in her truck, also in pj's, and nearly runs to me. 

"EEEEK!" She screams and hugs me, then pulls me into the house to help pack up the furniture. Most of our furniture for the apartment was in my parents house. 

"Guys what is with the rush?" My mom questions as she walks does the stairs.

 "We have concert tickets and back stage passes for tonight, so we need to hurry." Ridley replies. 

"We're almost done anyway, just go back to bed." I say. My mom rolls her eyes and walks back up to bed. By the time we unpack my car, repack it with Ridley's things, and we're done unpacking everything, with breaks and all, it's already 6:30. I rush to my room to get ready, straightening my long bright red hair, putting on my lacy black leggings, white tank top with my plaid button up shirt; leaving it unbuttoned, and put on my beanie. When I walk out of my room, I see Ridley in her favorite Deuce t-shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and her favorite black snake bites. She let her dark blue hair lay wavy today and actually decided to wear her glasses for once. 

"Well Ms. Hex, would you like to accompany to a concert?" She asks, putting out her arm as if we're going to a dance or something fancy. I link arms with her. 

"Why, yes I would Ms. Macklin." I smile laughing a bit then we head out to the car. We stop at Wendy's for a quick meal before we go to the concert. Ridley managed to get us pretty good seats. It was crowded but still amazing. We jammed to Deuce rapping and took millions of pictures and videos. At the end of the night we went backstage and got pictures with the man himself. Now as much as I would like to say we partied with Deuce that night or that somehow a love connection between Rid and her favorite human being was formed, sadly that was not the case. We went home and it was just like any other concert night,  except when I got home I got a pretty extraordinary phone call. 

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

 " Hey sweetie." it's my mom on the other line. 

"If your concerts over, could you come back home for a bit. your father and I can not postpone this news any longer." 

"Yeah. I'll be there in a few." I say questioningly and hang up the phone 

"Is everything okay?" Ridley asks. 

"I'm not actually sure." I grab my car keys and rush back home. 

When I get inside my parents are sitting on the couch and usher for me to sit too. "Whats the big news?" I ask nervously. 

"Well.. We meant to tell you when you were younger but the timing never seemed right, but now that you're moved out we both feel that you need to know, bad timing or not." My dad speaks sympathetically. 

"What's going on?" I question. "My mom grabs my hand. 

"Well you see honey. When your father and I were younger we found out we were unable to have children. So we got a surrogate mother. It was agreed nearly from the time she was pregnant with you that you would be ours." The light starts to die in my eyes as I ask the question we know is coming out of my mouth next 

"Who was she?"

 "We only got the first name, Rita, I'm sorry sweetie." I look down at my feet.

"Did she not want me?" 

 "No, that's not it. We never got to speak in person, but she did say that they already had a little boy and times were rough. She only wanted for you to grow up well. She just didn't think she could manage taking care of a 7 year old and a new born. Not with the economy how it was." My mom said comfortingly. 

"So I can't meet her?"

 "I'm afraid not unless you can find her." I hug both of my parents and thank them for telling me. 

When I get home, I post all the info I have everywhere with my picture, hoping someone recognizes the story. Its a week before I get a hit; and the person to comment shocked the hell out of me.  

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