A shocking tweet

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Deuce @Deuce9lives June 16

 @CrypticLAsmiles Email me deuce9l@gmail.com

 I started at my computer in utter shock before I could work up the courage the actually send him anything.

Addison Hex <crypticsmiles@gmail.com>

to Aron Erlichman 

Hey. You told me to email you?


My computer alerts me that I have a new email.

Aron Erlichman <deuce9l@gmail.com>

to Addison Hex

Yeah, um, I think I might know something about your mom. Can we meet up?

Holding back my internal screaming I reply.

Addison Hex <crypticsmiles@gmail.com>

to Aron Erlichman

Omg. Yeah, sure. Where? When?

We set up a date and a place, and I nearly run to Ridley. 

"Omg, Ridley!" I scream as I run into our living room, nearly tackling her. 

"Slow your role. I thought you were suppose to be the calm one. Whats up?"

"I got a hit on the thing about my mom. My biological mom, and you will NEVER guess from who." I pull out my phone, getting it ready because I know she'll want proof.

"Who?" She questions, giving me a strange look.

"Aron freakin' Erlichman."

"NO WAY! You've got to be kidding me. Is this another one of your pranks?" I shove my phone in her face, and she scrolls through the messages. 

"You're meeting up with Deuce tomorrow at 5? Wheres this address? You know you're bringing me right?"

"Yes, Ridley, I'm not going anywhere I don't know without my best friend. I figured we'd go real quick before our gig tomorrow." I say, taking my phone back because she's trying to read all my messages.

"Sounds chill. God dammit. Now you've got me sounding like you." Someone knocks on the door and I laugh at her, then go to answer it. It's Danny, Adam, and Erik. We have a quick practice before our gig tomorrow. They're in the door for not even 5 minutes and Danny is already giving Adam a piggy back ride with Erik cheering them on. They are literally the biggest goofs I have met in my life. 

Danny is our 6'3 drummer who, although is the oldest of us all at 25- acts like he's 2 and his black hair is always severely messy and it drives me absolutely insane. He's our prankster, but I'm not going to lie, I've helped him on one .. or all of his pranks 

 Erik is the flirt. He is 5'11 and the baby of our little family at 20.  He's also the one who I can bet $100 is looking at some chick during our gigs instead of seriously focusing on music. Not that it messes him up though, he's honestly the best guitarist I could ask for and he has incredibly fluffy. yet swoopy hair I swear it's gotta be a wig. 

Now as for Adam, our bass player, he's the sweet one. The big brother. He's always really cleaned up making sure every strand of his brown hair is in place. Honestly if it weren't for him, I'm 98% sure we'd all just be a bunch of hooligans. He's mid height between Danny and Erik at 6'0 and is 24.

I whistle at them to get their attention. Adam nearly falls off of Danny, but gladly, they land on our couch. Both Ridley and I face palm.

"Yes, Sexy Hexy" Erik comments and winks. I look at him blankly, then back at Adam; who reads my look clearly, and smacks Erik up side the head. 

"OW! What the hell Adam? Why do you always have to be Hex's lap dog?" Erik screams. We all ignore Erik, and I nod to Adam to speak. 

" Shut up Erik. Now then. Guys we have a big day tomorrow. Let's get to work." Adam says, then notions for us all to get on our instruments. 

"Hey guys. Before we start, I also wanted to say Rid and I won't be there early. I got a lead on my biological mom so we're going to check it out. " 

"That's great!" Danny speaks excitedly, and hugs me. 

"Yeah, but you'll never guess who we're going to meet!" Ridley says excitedly.

"Who?" Erik asks.

"Aron Arlichman." I say.

"Stop with the pranks Addison. We know you better by now." Adam laughs.

"Nah, Addy doesn't prank without me." Danny backs me up.

"Is it really true?" Erik questions.

"Yeah." Ridley and I say in sink.

"Jinx." I tell her. Guess that means you're buying drinks tomorrow. I stick my tongue out at her and she rolls her eyes.

"Let's just get back to practice." Ridley starts playing She's my nightmare. One of our originals. When the timing was right I started off with my rap. 

There was a time that I gave a damn,

a time that only my image mattered.

I had to be perfect,

so no one knew how damaged I was;

that I had a heart,

it was just too cracked and shattered for me to show.

Some people have to pretend they don't care,

so nobody knows.

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