How we met

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They next day, Ridley and I got  ready. Her in her over sized thin gray sweater and skinny jeans and me in my red lace crop top, black shorts and fedora. We put the address we got from Deuce in our GPS. It ends up being a pretty average house. 

"There is no way this is Deuce's house. What could he possible know that he has to tell you in person?" Ridley says and I just stare at her in utter shock for a minute 

"You don't think..." She trails off and then looks at me with the same shocked expression. We get out of the car and walk up to the door. I hesitantly knock, not knowing what to expect. A women about the age of my mom opens the door. She gives me the same shocked look that Ridley has been giving me since we got out of the car. 

"Aron." She yells into the house. "I'm pretty sure these ladies aren't here to see me." He walks up to the door. 

"Actually mom," He pauses. "They are. "  He ushers for us to come in and leads us to the living room. "I think you should all sit down for this." We all listen to him still giving him the same expression. It doesn't look like Mrs. Erlichman knows what's going on either. Who I'm guessing to be his dad follows us into the living room. 

"I think you already know who this is" he says to Mrs. Erlichman. She just stares at me blankly.

 "Could someone please tell me whats going on?" I say interrupting the awkward silence and staring. 

" I told you I had info on your mom. I'm 90% sure that you're sitting right across from her. Did you bring the photo I asked for?" I nod silently and hand him a picture from the day my parents brought me home from the hospital, and he hands it to his mom. She starts to cry. 

"This is the outfit I asked the hospital to give to your new family," She stares at the photo of little me for another moment, then gets up and hugs me. At first I'm shocked, but then I hug her back. As she walks back to her seat she says ,"So tell me about you. I wanna know how you grew up. Was it a good environment?"

"Yeah, I mean for the most part." I nudge at Ridley. "My best friend Ridley kept me in check most of the time. We grew up together. I lived in a big house. I just recently moved out, into an apartment with Rid. I just got my associates in business and I'm working on my masters in photography. I'm the lead singer/rapper in our band Cryptic Chemistry. I'm otherwise known as Cryptic Smiles. All in all, that's me. "  I smile. 

"Wait you're in a band?" Deuce questions. 

"Yeah. We have a gig tonight actually." I reply. 

"Guess it runs in the family." He smiles back 

"Do you wanna come see us play tonight? We play at the bar downtown at 8." 

"I might drop by." I check the time and I realize that it's already 7.

"We should probably get going Rid."

"Oh yeah. Wow. Probably." She says shocked about the time. Deuce writes his number on my hand and I write mine on his. 

"It was really nice to meet you guys" Ridley smiles.

"Thanks for supporting our little girl. I'm glad you grew up well." My 'mom'  replies to Rid. I gave her a hug and we left to get ready for the gig. 

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