35. Magic and Wings

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This commission for KawaiiCuteness003 is Topaz and takes place in my MELF universe at no specific time in the story and can be read as a smutty standalone!

Warnings: D/S, humiliation, degradation, name calling, bondage, sounding, all safe and consented


On quiet claws, Wooyoung stalked down the corridor. He wore the soft pads Seonghwa had provided for him on the tips of his talons, regarding them more as a gift he was proud of than a necessary protection for himself and the ears of others.

He sailed up the stairs on soundless wings, the born hunter. The ever-glowing moonlight threw his shadow over the white quartz floor.

Quiet voices mumbled in Seonghwa's room after he had retreated for the night. Wooyoung strained his ears, but he only picked up on Mingi's mellow tone.


Sneaking across the hall, Wooyoung dipped into the shadow of the right tower. An ominous purple light glowed around the edges of the door, making Wooyoung's hair stand on end. Powerful magic lurked beyond.

Wooyoung pressed to the wall and strained his ears. No one heard him come. Ideally, Hongjoong would be asleep and his countless spells at rest. Wooyoung could sneak inside and crawl into his bed and once Hongjoong woke, he had no reason to refuse the convenient gift on his bed.

But somehow, their sorcerer barely ever slept.

Wooyoung heard no turning pages or footsteps. But the next moment, the door by his side creaked open a sliver. The voice from inside was flat, but his magic carried it to the door.

"Stop lurking in the shadows. Tell me what you want."

Offended, Wooyoung played down his gasp. How did he know?

Though he stubbornly wanted to stay in the corner until Hongjoong felt stupid for mistaking his presence, Wooyoung feared getting locked out. So he peered his head around the corner, finding Hongjoong lounging on his divan with a book in his hands. Crossing his long legs in elegant clothing. A posture so effortlessly handsome Wooyoung blanched in jealousy.

Seonghwa was ethereal, untouchable. Nothing even regular elves could achieve. Wooyoung didn't delude himself with any similarities between them.

But Hongjoong was just some guy with fancy tricks. He had no wings, no horns. Was barely any more remarkable than a human if not for his clothing.

Nevertheless, his charisma was so natural that Wooyoung felt he was lacking whenever he looked at him.

Hongjoong and San had that talent. A glance was enough to call Wooyoung a chick.

But not today. Wooyoung was on a mission. He would prove to this sorcerer that he was no youthful fool.

(Not that he would ever dare try this on San. Wooyoung would rather get turned into a toad than beheaded. At least Seonghwa could protect him as a toad, but not if he was dead.)

The location was perfect. If Hongjoong lashed out, Wooyoung only had to hop across the corridor to find his ally.

"I just want to play..." He muttered, testing the waters. Hongjoong's mood was often neutral. Occupied with his work and stressed only if he wore himself too thin. Wooyoung had seen the way Seonghwa took care of him in those moments. Their sorcerer gave away his vulnerability.

(Again, San hadn't. Wooyoung was terrified of him.)

Some would argue it wasn't wise to poke the slumbering dragon, but Wooyoung was a beast tamer, wasn't he? Who, if not him, could conquer the sorcerer? Seonghwa would be so proud of him.

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