The Futon

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CW: Sexual Content

Kevin was surprised when he heard a knock at his door. He had just slipped his sweatpants on and his hair was still dripping. He wasn't expecting Matt to be so quick, so he was pleasantly shocked to see the other man's shy grin on the other side of the door.

"Hey," Kevin said, "I wasn't expecting you so quick."

Matt shrugged, eyes flickering down to Kevin's chest, "It didn't take long to help my friend and... I felt like we ended our date on the wrong foot."

Kevin nodded, "Me too... I'm sorry about that, by the way. Of all days to run into an ex, it had to be the day I was on a date with a hot science major." He playfully rolled his eyes before grinning and opening the door more, "Come in."

Matt smiled back before walking into the dorm, "Your dorm is so clean."

"I'm a neat freak," Kevin said, picking up the only piece of clothing (Milo's) off the futon. "Being messy is a sin, you know."

"Is it?" Matt asked, sitting on the futon.

"Of course it is," Kevin said, sitting next to Matt, "I mean, my dad would say so."

Matt laughed, "He used sin to keep your rooms clean?"

"Of course. I used to be a good Mormon boy. However, that fell through when I started kissing boys and drinking coffee," Kevin grinned.

"You naughty boy," Matt smirked, "So scandalous."

Kevin nodded and leaned over Matt. "I'm a sinner," he said, lowering his voice. He was hovering over the blonde man, whose eyes had glazed over. Their faces were close and Matt began to lean in when Kevin grinned and grabbed the remote, sitting back down. "We need this to watch movies."

Matt laughed, "You're a menace, Kevin Price."

"I know," Kevin said, turning the TV on. "What movies do you like?"

Matt paused, "Don't laugh."

Kevin looked over, "Why would I laugh? The only movies I've seen were LDS approved or Star Wars with Arnold."

Matt laughed, "Fair enough. I, um, I like romances and dramas."

"Why would I laugh at that?" Kevin asked, opening Netflix, "What's your favorite?"

"On Netflix?" Matt's cheeks tinted pink. "I'm not sure you'll like it."

"Come on, I wanna know what you like. Or we can watch my favourite Mormon movie."

"Okay, okay, no need to threaten me," Matt laughed, "It's an anime movie. It's called 'The Prom'. It's a cheesy movie musical that was adapted from Broadway about lesbians."

"Let's watch it!" Kevin said, typing the title in the search bar. When the movie popped up, he read the description before clicking play. "This looks fun!"

"It is," Matt said, biting his lip to hold back a grin, "And you look like one of the characters." He pointed at one of the men on the loading screen, who was wearing a 'Juilliard' t-shirt. "Trent Oliver."

Kevin squinted and looked at the man, "Do I? I don't know if I see it."

"Kev, he looks exactly like an older version of you," Matt said, chuckling. "If it makes you feel any good, he's my favorite."

"Hm, that does make me feel good. I look like your celebrity crush," Kevin grinned. He leaned against Matt and laid his head on the blond's shoulder. He felt Matt's arm wrap around his own shoulders and grinned as the movie started. Kevin enjoyed the movie and the music, but he'd sadly have to finish it another day. Because about halfway through the movie, he and Matt found themselves entangled in a mess of limbs and lips, the movie drowning out their gasps and moans. Kevin's mind was fuzzy and he felt ecstatic. The feeling of Matt's hands on him, on his hips and sensitive areas, felt amazing—and far too familiar. He'd only felt this way once before. Unlike the time in his bedroom with a certain redhead, no one walked in on them this time. They were free to move and touch as they pleased. As they moved together, warming one another's bodies, Kevin felt a warm ball forming in his stomach. Flashes of Connor's face, the look of satisfaction, passed Kevin's vision as he stared down at Matt, who wore a similar expression. His time with Connor had felt somewhat innocent and yes, but this time felt dirtier and... yes? No? Maybe? Kevin gasped and jerked his hips as he let the warm ball unravel, Matt lending a helping hand as he rode out his ecstasy. Matt followed soon after, letting out a low moan and closing his eyes as he does so. The two sit there, Kevin resting on Matt's thighs, panting and staring at one another. It had felt so similar, yet so very different with Matt. Kevin wasn't sure which he preferred. He knew what he did prefer, but was that the right choice? He wasn't sure

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