Would it be bad?

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As Halloween rolled in, Kevin found himself thinking about Utah. What would his friends back home think of him dressing up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast for Halloween with his boyfriend dressed as the Beast? They'd think he'd fallen into Satan's hands—maybe not Elijah, but the rest definitely would. Were they still his friends? He hadn't really stayed in contact with many of them. Would the rest of his family care? His parents, siblings, and Uncles Whizzer and Marvin knew he was bi, but he hadn't told the rest of the family—the Mormon side of the family especially. His grandma would probably have a heart attack. Thinking back, he hadn't called his uncles in a while. Maybe he should. Kevin's mind wandered multiple times as he put his yellow costume on, ran gel through his hair into his signature style (that was one thing he wouldn't change this holiday), and sat as Milo added different powders and glitters to his face.

"Is this necessary?" Kevin asked, squinting as Milo's brush swept over his cheeks.

"Of course it is," Milo said, "Princesses are sparkly." Milo was dressed as Cinderella (Sasha was Prince Charming per her request) and was adorned in his own concoction of sparkly blue makeup.

"I'm not sure they are," Kevin said, "I've watched a lot of Disney movies."

"Well, they are." Milo sat back and admired his work before shoving Kevin toward the mirror and—okay, he looked good. Milo had spared Kevin from heavy makeup, keeping the tones neutral. Gold sparkles on his eyelids made his brown eyes pop and the slightly red color made his lips look more plump.

"Whoa," Kevin said as he stared at himself, "I thought I was gonna look like a drag queen."

"I debated that," Milo grinned, "You'd be a great queen."

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Don't kid." He pulled his phone out and texted the group chat:

ThePriceisRight: Who's ready?

HeyArnold: ME!!
HeyArnold: Kev
HeyArnold: have I told you how beautiful neutrogena is?
HeyArnold: literally the best rapunzel ever

SashaGoodTime: I can't wait to see her full costume!!

MattMan: tell Milo to turn the music down people are complaining

RunAMilo: Never!!! >:)

NabaBigDeal: I finally got Arnold out the door. We're on our way to your dorm, Price.

MattMan: Same here :)

There was a knock at the door and Kevin excitedly scrambled to open the door. Matt stood smiling, but the smile dropped to be replaced with a look of awe—a look that matched Kevin's.

"Oh my god," Matt said, looking Kevin up and down. Matt was in a Prince Adam costume with bits of fur poking out the collar. His hair was curled and gelled back. "Kev, you look... amazing."

Kevin's cheeks flushed, "You too... Seriously." He smiled slightly as Matt walked in.

Milo squealed, "Let me take a picture!! Baby's first Halloween!" Kevin rolled his eyes, but happily wrapped an arm around Matt as Milo pulled his phone out. "You two look so good!"

"Thanks to you," Kevin said, looking up at Matt, "Milo insisted I needed to be covered in glitter."

"You look good in glitter," Matt smiled, leaning down to kiss Kevin. "And lipstick."

Sasha walked in and playfully rolled her eyes, "Of course you two are already making out." She wore a Prince Charming costume that she'd feminized slightly—her small sewing skills came in handy to make her costume fit her curves better. Her hair was slicked back and spray dyed black.

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