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•Elizabeth's pov•

I remember very clearly whenever I graduated to a new class my grandma would spoil me rotten.
She would buy a lot of snacks and prepare our favorite food for Evelyn and I which was indomie or noodles.

She would prepare and even distribute some to our neighbors. We were pretty close with our neighbors.

You know, there is a saying that goes blood is thicker than water.

Ma Vida begun to go through her menopause stage and it was dreageful.
She would constantly insult us sometimes.
Other times too she would let us do double a job which was irritating. In conclusion she made us miss our parents not that we didn't love her, we did, we loved her a lot but we missed our parents too. Ever since we moved in with Grandma we haven't visited our parents before all because they were extremely busy.

My life completely changed when we moved back in with our parents.

When I got to primary six we left ma Vida's place and move in with our parents.

I still remember that day, it was one of the most happiest day of my life. I felt like since am gonna stay with my parents my life was gonna be perfect.
We moved in with our parents but one thing shocked me, the house wasn't big as my dad said it was.

I was shocked not that I hated the house, naa. I didn't but I remember clearly when my dad told us we were gonna have our own room.
I no he didn't tell me, I overheard them talk about it but it doesn't matter all what was matters was that I head it from dad.

Well it's not my problem. If mom leaved here quietly and happyly then why can't I. It's not like the size of the house was important to me. It wasn't, I was happy we had a place to put our head.

We were on school vacation when the news of coronavirus came. I was frightened. It looked very scary and because of this, I think the whole world went on a lockdown or was it only my country? I don't know.

It was during that time I discovered my parents weren't all lovey dovey with each other and it scared me.

Whenever my dad goes to work and he didn't end a lot he would release his frustration on my mom and when mom was angry she would also transfer it to us.

It made leaving in the house with my parents boring and tiring. I prayed to God for the lockdown to get over so I could go to school. I found comfort in school. There were no parents fighting in school or the wouldn't be a day when I would be scolded in school.

The only thing I hated about school was that I felt like I was ugly compared to my friends and I was way to chubby for my age. My friends never told me but I secretly new it. This made my insecurities worsen. At first I taught it was normal to be obese but when I begun to grow up I found out that things are not normal when you are chubby.

Luckily for me the lockdown was cancelled and it was announced that students were allowed to return to school only under some conditions.
1. Wear your nose mask always .
2. Always maintain social distances.
3. Do touch your eyes, ears or nose frequently.
4. When you visit the washroom wash your hands very well. I mean who doesn't know that but I guess it was done for our own safety.

The government announced that the conditions should be properly observed so that it would decrease the rate and spread of the virus. I took this opportunity to change my school.

I had no particular reason but I just felt out of place in peculiar even though I was one of the best student. I didn't fit in there and moreover I just realized my dad was paying a lot of money for my school fees and it was honestly too much.

Evelyn attended a middle class school but what is being taught in peculiar is the same thing taught in peculiar so I decided to change my school to a less cheaper one but had good teachers and was discipline.

I found one in my area. It wasn't far from my house infact I didn't need a school bus to to come pick me up  because I could walk to the school.

The name was precious seed international school. I told my mom about it and she agreed. I told her to inform dad because I was somehow afraid to inform him. I didn't know how he was gonna react. My dad was errrrn..... how do I put this, a man of confusion, sometime I feel like he doesn't understand me at all but to my lack he agreed. I was relieved.

He told mom that he would be going to work so mom should go to the school with me so I can go for my admission in the school. There was a problem here too, as you guys no my mom was uneducated so I was  worried a little, I wasn't sure if she could go to the school with me. I brushed it off.

The next day, I was prepared together with my mom to visit my soon to be school. On the way, we meet one of my aunt who lived nearby more like a friend of my mom. Ma Patricia but she liked it if we called her ma pat for short.

I later learnt it was my mom who called and asked her if she could accompany us to the school. Turns out my mom was nervous. I actually found it funny but I was happy she was here with us.

We Soon arrived in the school. Precious seed was relatively small in size compared to peculiar but It had a neat and welcoming environment. I walked together with my mom and aunt to the administration block.

I sat outside the office of the headmaster patiently waiting for mom and aunt Pat to come out of the office. I didn't have to wait any longer because soon enough they were outside, their face beaming with a smile. I was happy.

I got the admission and what was made me very excited was that I was told I could start schooling the following week once my uniforms are ready.

{Older office drill version by ....... I have no idea go and look for the song and tell me the person who sang it 😂😂}

I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Sorry for any grammatical errors. I didn't give A lot of details about the coronavirus but I think you guys have a fair idea so I decided to leave it simple. Byee

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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