May You Be My Love? (PondPhuwin)

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It's summer break. Pond had come home after a long time to meet his parents. His parents were happy as ever to see him after almost a year but there was one more person happy to see him, his neighbour, Phuwin.

Pond and Phuwin had grown up together in the same neighborhood, always spending time with each other. Until Pond, older than Phuwin had to move out to Bangkok for educational purposes. And now, they barely see each other.

Pond comes home once or twice a year utmost, shows his face to his beloved family and leaves, leaving his shadow behind once again. Never did he realise, how much that childhood friend of him actually missed him.

Pond and Phuwin's parents houses were right next to each other in a place in Phuket. If you look out the window of Phuwin's room, you could see directly inside Pond's bedroom. Clean and perfect. Completely different from the mess of Phuwin's bedroom.

Phuwin's study table was right next to the window, sometimes he spent so much of his time just staring through the window into Pond's room, unknowingly. Slowly but fortunately, when did that best friend feeling of him turn into something more, he had no idea.

But when Phuwin came to realise how much he actually felt for him, he couldn't hide it anymore. He started getting caught staring at most times shirtless Pond through the window. But surprisingly, Pond never thought much out of it, whenever Phuwin got caught, he just smiled at him and that was it.

It gave Phuwin mixed feelings until he finally decided to get out of this crushy crush and confess. He'd always been quite a brave person so even though that wasn't a very big deal for him, he knew he was at least a little bit scared.

His plan was settled right this time. He planned to confess to Pond in this 7 days where he came for his holiday. Once Pond arrived home and hugged his parents, Phuwin, came out of his house, running after gaining some courage.

But all his confidence fissed right away when he stood right in front of Pond and saw his wide smile. "What is it, Phuwin?
You seem like you're here to say something?" Pond asked, with a wide smile.

Phuwin got embarrassed seeing Pond's parents look at him with big, confused eyes. He turned around and was just about to return to his house but Pond stopped him, "Wait,.. Win! How have you been? We... haven't talked in a while." Pond asked, moved forward and grabbed Phuwin's hand.

"I..." Phuwin didn't know anything to say, all he could focus on was the way Pond was gripping his hand. His mind turned blank.

"Do you think we could talk..." Pond said and Phuwin turned around to look at Pond, looking around seeing Pond's parents still staring at them. "privately?"

The parents looked at each other and started going inside, leaving the two of them alone, outside the house. Seeing Pond's parents leave, Phuwin smiled and immediately gripped Pond's hand, leading him to the garden behind Phuwin's house, where they used to play together when they were kids.

Even though the garden was right next to Phuwin's house, nothing could really be heard from there. Once they arrived there, they spent a moment, literally staring into each other's souls until Phuwin spoke up, "So what did you wanna talk about?" He asked.

"Umm... How have you been? I'm sorry for not coming and talking to you the last time I was here. But I was here just for 2 days last time." Pond explained himself.

Phuwin let out a deep sigh and replied, "It's okay... I guess."

"You're not angry at me about that, are you?" Pond came forward and poked Phuwin's cheek with one finger and his hand with the other.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" Phuwin sighed again, brushing Pond's hand off of his cheek.

Pond shook his head, a little smile still on his face as he realised Phuwin was sulking with him. "Please don't be mad." He pinched Phuwin's cheek and Phuwin ended up smiling.

"Okay, I'm not mad." Phuwin smiled. "Is that it?" He asked.

"Hmm... Why did you bring me here? We could just talk about this in front of my house." Pond exclaimed.

"Really? That's it?" Phuwin's smile turned a bit pale. He came forward and placed his hand over Pond's heart. Shocked by the sudden touch, Pond flinched a bit but slowly got used to it.

"I have something to talk to you about as well." Phuwin exclaimed and shut himself up for a few seconds to carefully listen to Pond's heartbeat which was way faster than usual. Phuwin smiled, "What do you think that is?" He asked and removed the hand from over his chest.

"Um..." Pond started fidgeting, not knowing how to answer the question asked by his 'best friend'.

Smiling sneakily, Phuwin took a deep breath and started calling out his feelings. "P- Pond... I like you. And I don't know when my feelings evolved from best friend to more but now, what I know is I want to be more. I'm tired of looking at you through the window and seeing you smile at me as if it's just something very normal. I missed you very much and trust me when I say, I think about you all day, all night."

To Be Continued.....

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