Part 3.2

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Be aware that this part will take place the same day as Lisa's POV the other chapter.

Jennie's POV

I awoke to the melodious trilling of songbirds filtering in through the opened gold doors leading to my private veranda. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I ran a hand over the embroidered silk coverlet and gazed around my bedroom bathed in gentle morning light.

In practiced movements, I slipped from the warmth of my bed and padded across the cushioned marble floor to the ensuite bathroom. Before even checking my reflection, I pressed a discreet button that immediately summoned a fleet of servants to attend to my morning ablutions and dressing.

By the time I emerged, groomed and outfitted in impeccably tailored designer casual wear, the aroma of a delicious breakfast was already wafting up from the dining hall. Descending the grand spiral staircase, I spotted my father poring over his ubiquitous sheaf of documents even as a small army of staff arrayed appetizers and beverages before him with military precision.

"Good morning, Father," I greeted evenly, gliding into my usual seat at the head of the long table. With a subtle nod he dismissed the servants, affording us our usual mealtime privacy.

"Ruby Jane, my dear," he intoned in that perpetual tone of neutrality. "How was your outfit selected for you this week, darling? I do hope the stylist followed my specifications for the Reynard gala."

My eyes flickered over the servants refilling my mimosa flute before answering in my customarily disaffected tone. "It met expectations, Father. Though I would have preferred bolder colors than that insipid lavender."

Ferrick Deluche (Jennie's personal assistant) nodded thoughtfully, making a notation in the ever-present binder he referenced for managing every aspect of my lifestyle and social calendar.

"We'll make a note for next time. Now, did your uncle inform you about the new mechanic being brought onto the factory floor?" Father asked.

I gave an indifferent shrug of my slim shoulders, hardly looking up from where I dragged a wedge of passionfruit through the crema on my plate. "Something about replacing old Tommy, I suppose. Does it truly matter, Father? You pay people to worry over those details so I don't have to."

The faintest crease formed between my father's meticulously groomed eyebrows before smoothing away. He knew better than to argue over my dismissive attitude - it was merely a consequence of the life of privilege he'd worked to provide me.

"Of course, Ruby Jane," he conceded mildly. "I merely thought to keep you informed, but you're correct. Such trivialities are beneath your concern."

I allowed myself a tiny smirk of satisfaction as the servants whisked away my picked-at plate. Another little victory in solidifying the world's deference to my superiority, no matter how insignificant it seemed.

"I'll leave for the academy now, Father," I announced, pushing back from the table with a whisper of expensive silk against the chair. "Artemas is waiting."

Giving him an airy peck on the cheek, I swept from the dining room with my faithful maid scurrying in my wake, her arms laden with my supplies and accessories for the school day ahead. The very notion of worrying over something as pedestrian as money or labor was utterly foreign to me.

Despite the prestigious ranks of Sruide Academy, it didn't take longer than my first steps through the wrought-iron front gates for the usual swarm of sycophants and asskissers to descend. Artemas spoke urgently into her bluetooth remote while marshaling them away with firm gestures, allowing just a select few through to air their meaningless grievances or petty requests.

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