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I am done with exams😚😚😚😚😚

Orian's pov

I broke off my reverie with a fatal blow landing to my head creating a dense pounding feel and a hook tearing across my neck worsening my already prolonged bleeding.

"Wake up and fight!" Hector groaned above me, his tone was harsh and commanding "Fucking weakling!"

"Leave him to me!" Helena came wanting to intervene but a disgruntled groan came from Hector at her words, "I need his heart."

"No." Hector disagreed, "You robbed me of the chance of killing Akanther, I get to honor of killing this one."

Amara' was right...

Blood pounded in my ears and Hector dragged me to my feet again with my hands weakly clutching at my sword as I processed his words.

I had an inkling that my whole life had been a lie but having it confirmed at the point of death was much much worse.

"Shocked?" He laughed out loud and I summoned strength gripping harder at my sword, "The weakling was on my way to the throne and now you are..."

I didn't say a word, my response was me raising my sword against him with much mustered strength and his materialized out of thin air clashing against mine.

He killed the only man I knew as a father and the woman I knew as a mother all the while playing me and harming my wife!

Anger brewed within me anew and I growled whipping out my wings to fly above him which gave me an added advantage and I struck my sword against his back bringing him down to the ground.

He yelled as I struck at his back again, his blood spluttered and satisfaction flowed in my veins seeing him like this just then, I caught a view of Helena from the side coming towards me but I snapped my fingers trying to see if my powers would work on her and it did.

She was set on fire with the snap of my fingers and while she yelled fighting to douse the flames I focused on Hector.

I threw my sword and lifted him by the collar before throwing him, his injured back meeting with the rocks, his facial expression morphed in that of pain and a twisted smile made its way to my lips as I limped towards him.

"How did it feel seeing her again? Any bad memories?" He smiled at me through bloodied teeth making me wonder how much he knew about my traumas, "I was right outside the door hearing your screams and begging that night, who knew she had a nasty freaky side to her?"

My blood ran cold and my heart stopped for a moment, he knew more than I told him. He didn't know from me just opening up to him, he knew because he was a witness and he did nothing.

He let me suffer and he dared bring her ghost back with an attempt to revive her.

Tears clouded my vision as I balled my fists, my blows land on his face with so much repressed anger of the years that had passed.

I held on to him, pinning him to the ground and hitting him continuously till my fists ached and all he did was laugh, that loud irritating laughter sounded like he was jeering at me, "You will never be good enough for her! You are broken and she's perfect, she's probably warming up to some werewolf while you are here giving you all-"

I gave him a direct blow at the mouth and he spat his tooth out, more blood followed as well, just as I was about to hit him again, fingers brushed past me and I yelled falling atop Hector as daggers stabbed into my back.

"How dare you set me on fire?!" Her voice rang over and over again as she embedded knives in my back causing me to bleed. She marked me with the stabs where she had marked me with her knives years earlier and I coughed out more blood falling further on Hector who took the opportunity to turn me over.

"Ah, poor Orian." He whispered wrapping his fingers along my bloody neck, "Where should I begin? From Akanther or to Ares."

I stared at him, his eyes filled with rage and glee as he squeezed his fingers around my neck causing more pain to me, choking my air passages and as I lifted my hands to struggle and fight further, a darkness seeped deep in me, spreading a feeling of warmth as it spread across my entire being weakening my body and soul causing me to fall weaker.

"Akanther's greed drove him to his death, your dilemma was just a cover-up. He sought the silver wolf for more powers as Helena had convinced him. He was a greedy slimey bitch and he met his death early enough."

I closed my eyes as Hector revealed it all knowing that he was telling the truth, he knew i was a man nearing his death and so he wanted me to die while knowing that my whole life had been a lie.

He wanted me to die with the truth ringing in my hearing.

He punched my face, punch after punch repeating what I had done to him and he laughed as he did, admiring the way my blood pooled marring the snow and how I laid there helpless taking in his assaults,

"You were easy bait, easy to manipulate into being a leader that you didn't want and it was all for my good. I wanted you to take down Lycus thinking that you would and I would have access to the werewolf kingdom but you went ahead and fell in love!" A bitter chuckle came from him, "I needed to take you out, the blood pact curse wasn't working, neither was the black magic, and Ares, oh Ares desperately wanted the throne along with Penelope's support and he agreed to take out Amara while you were gone."

"Not true." I coughed out in disbelief and my eyes widened much to Hector's pleasure as he absorbed my pain.

"Ah." Helena laughed cutting into the confession, "Did you think his real son would stand by and watch a bastard rule over him? He was a smart kid but that other bastard outsmarted him, she takes after Nyx so much."

"How does it feel to know that your whole life was a painful fake and there wasn't any real love for you?" He began punching me again while I absorbed the shock of his words.

All the time Ares discussed the castle happenings with me and talked about Amara and I, was he gathering intel on her to take us down?

Penelope too was not innocent and then it occurred to me.

That was what burdened her and she needed to confess but Hector killed her to stop it.

"You are going to die and remain forgotten." He began tightening his hold on my neck, "And Helena is going to use your heart and transform back into her human form."

He squeezed tighter and I trashed against him getting weaker and weaker but I didn't have a strong bone in my body to fight against him anymore and I lay there accepting death.

"And also." He said while black dots colored my vision and my chest tightened, "Akanther knew what Helena did to you, he permitted her to ease his way into getting more powers."

I couldn't scream out in pain remembering the guilt in his eyes and I thought it was because he pitied my sick state and couldn't do much about it and just as I was about to accept my fate.

A gush of wind blew past forming what looked like a mild tornado, the skies darkened further throwing the area in array and a voice came mocking, "Well good to see you again mother."

And a loud shriek followed as long blonde hair swished past me and a woman looking identical to Amara threw Hector off me before pulling Helena down tumbling down the hills as her screams filled the air.


Well😙I am back, missed me??

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