Chapter : 07

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Y/n's POV :

I opened my eyes, my hips hurts

I looked down to find me fully naked

I was in a big bright room

Ace's room

How much time has passed?

I don't know

I saw scars on me, I was handcuffed too

Should I call for someone?

I thought as I heard someone outside the door

"Ace went out to sea, he ordered you to stay here till then" Said Marco, his tone seemed sad

... Okay

I didn't replied as I layed again

Where is Law?

He must find me disgusting now

Ace was basically being a beast back there

He saw how Hopeless I was with Ace

... How I didn't had any other choice with Ace

How I was a slave with Ace

No,the real question is,

Is he even alive?


"May I come in?" A well collected voice asked as I hummed yes

"This is your food, I was ordered to feed you myself" Said an elderly maid as I nodded

After she feed me she asked if I had to go to the washroom

She helped me wash up and the past 4 days went by like that

Till Ace came back


He entered the room, definitely drunk

"Y/n" He said with a soft voice, looking at me lovingly

"Mhm?" I asked, still in my sleeping position

"I love you"  He kissed my cheeks

For a moment he went quite, as if realizing something

"I love you so much, why do you have to be distance with me?... Why am I the only one you can NOT love?" He asked

He drunk too much I guess

So I did what I had too

"I do love you a lot too Ace" I said, with a small smile

His eyes widened as he looked at me

"I hope the both of us can clear our misunderstandings and be like before" I said putting a hand on his cheek

He just stared at me for a second

Did he figure out why I am saying all this?

He gave me a big innocent grin

"Me too" He smiled shy

Law is gone...... All I can do now is, at least save Keiko from this mess

By manipulating Ace

If I have a better relationship with Ace, Keiko can be forgiven at least this one time


A month passed, I will still handcuffed in Ace's room however it soon got difficult for him because his regular meetings used to be held here

"I will send you back to your room.... Don't not break my trust" He said

I nodded


The Fake Promise {Law x Reader x Ace}Where stories live. Discover now