Moving in/First meeting

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Hapi was excited to move in to his new home.
Finally peace and quiet, away from people who hates him.

It was a place far from his home town inside of a 3.4 rated apartment building he saw online and the cheapest one he could find.

As he placed the last few boxes into his new apartment he lets out a sigh of relief.

He decided to go out and greet his new neighbors.
Although his new neighbors were mostly older people than him which made it awkward and uncomfortable for him but still bearable.

Afew days go by and he started to unpack his things, placing each stuff in order knowing full well it'll soon be messed up.

After setting up a few things like the cabinets, his bed, the couch and the kitchen he decides to get out and get some fresh air and do some grocery shopping.

He met some of his neighbors upon going there but that didn't stop him.

Then he saw his landlord crossing the opposite side of the road towards him, he didn't want to make it awkward so he hid into the bush by the pole.

He watched him walk away making sure that he did not go back. "Phew That was a close one" Hapi said confidently.

While trying to get out he bumps into someone else who was clearly in a hurry. The man fell and landed face flat onto the floor.
Hapi tried his best to not laugh at the man making the most disturbing face humanity has ever seen.

Hapi tried to help the man up.

"Get out of the way prick-" The man said with an annoyed face.

Those words gave Hapi shivers down his spine and he couldn't reply to him nor apologize.

The man then continued on and said "Well?"

" 'Well' what?" Hapi replied.

"Aren't you gonna apologize?" The man said in a bratty tone.

Hapi couldn't say anything, he couldn't even look at him in the eye cause he was scared but also because he was in shock of the beauty of the man. All he could think of was how the man could be an angel or if hes more of a devil type.

The man looked at him with annoyance and anger. He looked at his wrist to check the time.
"Ugh I don't have time for this-" The man rolled his eyes and ran away.

Hapi still in shock of what happened stays there for a few minutes then started to go back home.
"I knew this was a bad idea" He sobs as he slowly walks back to the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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