Chapter 22

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Silence followed Sunshine's statement. Thunder's jaw hung like everyone else's. Sunshine plopped to her rump, glanced at the deer, and smiled a little.

"Nice catch," she complimented.

Lucky stepped forward, dipping to Sunshine's level, "Sunshine! You can't possibly want to fight Moon! You... You said you loved being Omega. We wouldn't want anyone else!"

Thunder watched as Sunshine plastered a look that wasn't common on her face. Annoyance.

"That's the thing, I love being Omega. And Moon offended me when she'd dismissed my role like trash," Sunshine firmly growled, meeting eyes with the Lead Patrol Dog who'd come to confront her.

"So since I hurt your feelings, you're going to challenge me?" Moon yawned, amusement dancing in her eyes.

Thunder came to Sunshine's side as the white dog tilted her head defiantly. "There it is again," Sunshine growled, "you sneering at everything I do." Sunshine turned to Lucky as her eyes softened, "Beta, I'm not doing this just because I'm upset over a little comment a packmate made. I'm doing it so Moon can see how it is to be Omega, to see that it is hard work and you can love the rank. It's just as important as hers."

Lucky licked his chops and turned to Sweet. Sweet made a small shrugging gesture, "That's a good enough reason for me. As long as Moon's alright with it."

"I'm perfect with it!" Moon snapped, narrowing her eyes at the little dog, "I'll show you who Lead Patrol Dog is."

Thunder whipped around in horror to stare at Sunshine. "You can't be ser-"


Breeze's voice interrupted Thunder's plea. The brown dog slid forward to stare at her Alpha. "If its alright with Sunshine... I'd like to fight for her."

Murmurs floated into the air over Breeze's final words. Sunshine was grinning at Breeze.

"You trying to take all my glory?" Sunshine teased.

Breeze laughed a little and shook her head, "No. I just wouldn't be able to stand by and watch Moon try and hurt you."

Thunder came to Breeze and gave her ear a lick, "You wouldn't be able to train like I did... Are you sure-"

"Positive. I haven't known Sunshine for very long, but I've talked to her well enough to know she doesn't deserve one bite that Moon would send her," Breeze growled, turning to the Border Collie who had a fierce look in her eyes.

Lucky glanced at Sunshine and the Maltese dog nodded an 'okay' at him. "Alright then, as of this moment Breeze is Omega." Thrilled barks filled the air as the dogs Beta started to climb his high rock. "Also as of this moment, Breeze the Omega challenges Moon the Head of the Patrol Dogs."

Shrill howls erupted in excitement at the announcement of another challenge.

"If you would be so kind as to take your place," Lucky called out as Sweet ran to sit beside him on the rock.

Thunder paced back as her packmates did so Breeze and Moon could sit in opposite ends of their challenging field.

"One last question, if Breeze wins, she would take the place of Moon, not you, Sunshine. You're okay with that, right?" Sweet asked gently.

Sunshine yelped, "Of course I am! Breeze has earned it more than me anyway! I just want Moon to see how it is being Omega."

"Well, I guess I'll never know after I win this fight!" Moon snarled. The big Border Collie dog trotted to her place across Breeze as Thunder slipped to Breeze's side.

"Good luck, Breeze. I hope the Forest Dog will give you enough strength to win this fight," Thunder murmured. She nuzzled her friend one last time before returning to her place with Sunshine.

Sweet cast a long glance over both of the fighting dogs before shouting, "Ready? Fight!"

Moon quickly pounced on Breeze who hadn't anticipated her fast move. Thunder ducked away as she saw how viciously Moon was trying to tear at her friend.

"Thunder, look up!" Sunshine yipped, "You'll miss it!"

Thunder took a peek back at the fight to see that Breeze had safely escaped the sharp jaws of Moon. The brown dog let out a furious bark before taking hold of Moon's long tail and pulling on it. Moon let out a cracked howl and tried to pull herself free.
Thunder growled as a sharp shoulder collided with hers.

It was Thorn.

The mostly black dog was whooping loudly for her mother.

"Come on, Moon!" she exclaimed.

Thunder narrowed her eyes as Thorn's brother came up beside her. He gave Thunder a once over and turned back to the fight.

Well I don't want to be by you either!

A crazed snarl filled the air and made Thunder's heart leap from its place. She looked up to see that Moon had taken Breeze by her scruff and was dragging her across the ground roughly.

"That's cruel!" Thunder said angrily, stamping a paw in the process.

"It's a fight," Thorn scoffed back, "what else would you expect?"

Beetle sighed and let his black and white tail hang, "That does look like she's going a bit overboard."

Thorn scowled at her brother and quickly turned back to her mother. Thunder smiled in satisfaction as she let out an encouraging bark for Breeze.

"Let's go, Breeze!" she howled victoriously as Breeze finally slipped from Moon's teeth.

The short Labrador shook her head to let droplets of blood rain from her neck. "Let's..." she panted, "...end this."

Breeze growled wildly and pounced onto Moon's back. Moon turned in sharp circles, trying to throw off Breeze as her opponent started to shred her fur. Thunder yipped with glee as she heard a painful gasp from Moon. Breeze had finally found the black and white dog's neck.

"Gotcha!" Breeze growled through Moon's neck. Breeze easily pranced off of Moon's back so she could force her onto the ground.

"Yield!" Breeze ordered.

Thunder noticed that Moon was breathing heavily. "She looked defeated before they even started," Thunder muttered to Sunshine. Sunshine flicked her ear in acknowledgement.

A pitiful howl rose from Moon as Breeze squeezed thirstily down on her neck. "I have no problem gushing every ounce of blood until you yield," she whispered.

Thunder swallowed silently, I didn't know Breeze could be so... Cruel. But I sort of understand. I'd be cruel any day if it was in order to help Sunshine fulfill a wish.

Moon choked out a murderous croak before she yelled, "Quit squeezing the life out of me! I yield!"



Well, Breeze being cruel isn't something we haven't seen before... Lol just kidding, (not really...) but yay! Breeze won!

Unless you were on Moon's side then...

Sorry I guess. 🙃

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