Chapter 23

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"You've done it!" Thunder yipped at Breeze as every dog congratulated the winner.

"Thanks," Breeze stepped off of Moon so Beetle and Thorn could swiftly help her up. "That was a good fight, Moon," she calmly said.

Moon made a deep gurgling growl before limping away with the help of her pups.

"You think she's mad?" Sunshine asked quietly, padding up beside Thunder and Breeze.

Breeze yawned widely before shrugging, "She can stay mad if she is. I didn't mean to upset her, but either way, it doesn't change that she's Omega now."

"Speaking of that..."

It was Lucky's excited voice that intercepted Breeze's. "I now announce Breeze, the Head of the Patrol Dogs!"

Most of the patrol dogs bowed their head in respect for Breeze as the Hunter's howled their compliments to the newly ranked dog. Breeze smiled and looked back at Lucky, "I won't let you down Beta."

"That means that Moon, is now our Omega. The name comes with the rank if you have forgotten," Lucky said loudly. The eerie silence was enough to make Thunder shiver underneath her fur.

Sunshine started to jump at Lucky's flank. "Ooh, ooh," she barked, "what about me?"

Lucky had a grin growing on his muzzle as he spoke, "And finally, our former Omega will go by her original name, Sunshine. As she has taken over Breeze's rank because they'd switched for the battle. You, Sunshine, are in the middle of the hierarchy for patrol dogs. More authority than Beetle and all below him, and less authority than Rake and any dog above him."

Sunshine yipped as her tail fanned the air, "Ohh, this is a nice change!"

Thunder looked up at her Alpha as she cleared her throat. "Well, now we have something to celebrate! Let's eat!" Sweet barked, stepping down to be the first to pick what part of the deer she would eat.

* * * * *

Thunder happily let her teeth sink down into the flank of the deer. She had been willingly to share with a few of her friends since their was plenty to go around.

"Hello, new Patrol Leader!" Chase greeted.

Breeze laughed a little before closing her muzzle again. Thunder turned to the smaller dog and swallowed the warm meat in her mouth.

"What's up, Breeze? Aren't you happy? You've won your fight," Thunder asked.

Breeze rolled back onto her stomach and blinked sadly at Thunder, "Yes. I
am. But I have a feeling Moon's not so happy with me."

"Well, she can be happier when she learns to be a better patrol leader!" Chase grumbled, ripping a piece of skin harshly from their share of deer.

Dart snorted, letting her thin tail tap the ground, "She's never becoming my patrol leader again!"

"Thank you, all of you, but please don't put Moon down. I don't want her to feel bad," Breeze murmured, closing her eyes.

Thunder sighed in sympathy for her friend as she recognized the shorter dogs sweetness. She'd been one of the only few to speak up in Moon's defense whenever they'd all been bashing her. The other was...

Bella, Thunder thought, looking over Chase's pointed ears, she saw the golden dog sitting silently. Thunder stepped over a muttering Chase and plopped herself beside Bella.

"Hey," she said quietly.

Bella sniffled a greeting.

Well we're off to a great start...

"I was wondering," Thunder growled, "what was the secret that you weren't willing to share with all of us. About Moon?"

Bella cast a long glance toward the newest Omega. Moon was sitting in a small corner. Her pups sat close to her side. Across from her was little Ruff, tall Mickey, and the hunter Snap.

I wonder why Mickey would be willing to sit next to Snap. Thunder thought quizzically. But quickly aloud, she added, "Not that it's my business." But she was pulled from her thoughts as Bella opened her mouth to speak.

"It... I wasn't agreeing with you all because a while before, you know how Moon looked pretty tired?" Thunder nodded her understanding. "Well, Moon was taking out extra night patrols and such. I don't know what for. She might've had a good reason or she just wanted to be helpful. I don't know."

Bella curled her tail around her so she could be comfortable as she went on with her story. "Moon had talked to me about being tired. I suggested she tell Alpha or Beta. Even Third Dog! But she snapped at me, and I left her alone. Maybe she feels useless..."

Thunder glanced back over at the black and white Farm Dog. She had her back facing her packmates, but Thunder could still see a sneer that was formed against her muzzle.

Her? Feeling useless? Thunder thought with a hard shake, I doubt so.

"Anyway," Thunder barked, "thank you for telling me. I know it was a hard secret to keep."

Bella pawed at a black beetle that threatened to climb onto her muzzle, "Yeah."

Thunder came to her paws. She licked her chops nervously as she stared at the ground. "A-and we're all good? Even after... Scramble's incident?"

Bella looked down thoughtfully before letting her brown eyes meet Thunder's, "We're... Not as okay as we were. I think that'll naturally take time. But we're fine right now, if that's what you're asking."

Thunder nodded firmly and tried her best to hide her sadness, "Alright, that's fair. I don't deserve your forgiveness anyway. And I thank you for letting me have it. Good night, Bella, sweet dreams."

Bella opened her jaws to reply but Thunder was already taking off toward the patrol den. As she went past Moon, she could feel the stare of her former Patrol Dog Leader on her. Thunder quickly slipped into the patrol dog den and dropped to her stomach. Before she could even let out a sigh of exhaustion, she spotted a dark silhouette coming toward her.

"Hello, Thunder," Mickey whispered.

Thunder smiled. It seemed that he was feeling better after his heartbreak. "Hey, I was just about to get some rest."

Mickey nodded and plopped onto his belly, lying close to Thunder. "Same goes for me. It's been a long night. And I don't know what Breeze has in store for us," he teased.

Thunder laughed as she set her head down on her paws. She almost closed her eyes but popped them open just in time. "Mickey," she asked lowly so only he could hear, "you don't think that... That Moon could be mad at Breeze?"

Mickey shuffled closer so he could talk easily to Thunder, "I think it's hard to be neutral or happy whenever you are beaten in front of your Alpha. Challenges can bring out the worst in dogs. That's why I'm sort of against the idea."

Thunder let her tail tap the ground as she rested her eyes once more, "Good night, Mickey."

"Night', Thunder."

I hope Breeze will be a better Patrol Dog Leader than Moon was. She should be a fair, unbiased patrol leader. I just hope every dog else knows that as well. Most specifically: Beetle and Thorn.



It looks like the ranks are switched around! (I'll try to remind you guys which chapters have the information of whose rank is whose just in case you forget!) Sorry that it wasn't an action packed chapter, but you already got one of those!

What's in store for tomorrow? (For Thunder, you still have to wait a week, lol)

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