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Father. That word echoed in his mind. He couldn't help but ponder.

The pen which was twirling in his hands stopped. He tapped it on the wooden table. He couldn't sleep and he had decided to come to his study hoping to get some work done as his workload has increased a bit these days. Annika was sleeping peacefully and he didn't want to disturb her sleep. But for some reason he could not concentrate on the monotonous words printed across on the papers. He closed the door of the study and wandered around the corridors of the Mansion. He would have gone out if it wasn't pouring outside.

His feet took him to the kitchen on their own accord. He placed the sauce pan on the induction. Opening the shelves he brought the ingredients he needed. His mind somewhere else as his body functioned robotically. He had done it more than a hundreds of time and by now he had on his tips.

He poured down the cocoa powder in the saucepan. Adding the sugar he whisked them together. He added a few chunks of chocolate and then milk. He stirred the contents adding the vanilla essence in the last. Once he had placed them on the medium heat, he leaned on the kitchen counter to ponder. He felt an old memory resurfacing.

Shivaay walked around in the house, he was six. He couldn't sleep his mom had gone to visit his aunt or else she would have him tucked in the bed. He knocked the door of his father. But he didn't open the door. He turned away walking off in the direction of his room."Shivaay?" He turned around.

He looked around. Tej was looking at him amused. He looked at the clock, before he turned to look down at his tiny form. "What are you doing here? It's almost midnight." He spoke looking down at the kid. Shivaay shuffled on his feet looking away from what he suspected was a intimidating stare.

"Cannot sleep." He spoke fumbling with his night shirt. Tej chuckled. His deep voice reverberating through his chest as he picked the little boy up in his arms. He took him to the kitchens. He sat him on the kitchen counter. Shivaay watched keenly as Tej shuffled around and rummaged through the cupboards. He looked at the cup that Tej handed him curiously.

"Wait one second. It will be hot for you. Blow on it like this and then drink." Tej looked around the shelves and found a clean small white towel. He wrapped the cup in it before he handed it to Shivaay. He took a sip and his eyes lit up with delight.

"It's yummy." Tej chuckled looking at the child. Shivaay looked at the cup, his bade papa has made it for him, but he's not drinking, he should share it. And he passed him the cup. Tej raised his eyebrows before he too took a sip. And he passed him a kind smile. "It is." Tej spoke agreeing with Shivaay's words.

"Can I get more?" He asked cutely. Tej ruffled his hair. "One cup is enough for a day. If you want more, do not hesitate to come to me. I will make it for you no matter how busy I am." And the smile that Shivaay gave him was a bright one. He jumped off the counter despite Tej's warnings to be careful and put the glass in sink. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hands. Stopping at the door of the kitchen he peered back cautiously. Tej was looking at him fondly. Shivaay found himself shuffling on his feet. He quietly walked back to his bade papa and hugged his legs. "Good night." He wished. He felt Tej's hand on his hair and walked back to his room.

And he heard Tej's voice calling out behind him to brush his teeth before sleeping.

And he remembered the real reason he used to crave the hot chocolate as a mode of comfort. He had spent countless nights with his bade papa in the kitchen while he prepared the hot chocolate for him.

He poured the hot chocolate in his mug. And went outside to resume what he had been doing before he entered the kitchen. Roaming around the house like a ghost, with a mug of not chocolate in his arms, because he could not sleep.

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