the maid

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Kim Chaewon, a 23 years old woman, was a maid. Yes a freaking maid for a another woman named Huh Yunjin. Huh Yunjin was a woman that runned the company "Huh's company" which was very famous in korea. Chaewon didnt even wanted to become a fucking maid for a 22 years old woman, but her friends, Sakura, Kazuha and Eunchae, told her that she should be happy that she could work for a successful(and a handsome) business-woman.

Chaewon thought about it. A maid for a successful and hot business-woman that paid you very well? She finally then agreed to be a maid for the 22 years old woman. "Yall this will be easy money for me!" Chaewon shouted being so brave, but oh well If she only knew it was better said than done.

She texted the black haired woman. They got to know each other and Yunjin told her every single rule in this fancy and huge mansion. Chaewon then asked for the adress and when she should come. She got her answer "Street pulips 15 and come over at 5pm". She couldnt sleep because she had lots of questions about this woman.

Next day

It was 4pm and Chaewon knew she had to get ready for her first day of work as a maid. When it was 4:30pm she knew she quickly had to drive to her mansion because her mansion was pretty far away like 3 miles away. Chaewon had to blame herself because she drove so fast she almost got into a car crash and after that she drove carefully. Finally she arrived and was shocked. Well no shit she was a successful woman who earned so much money. When she rang on the bell a very low and attractive voice answered that turned Chaewon on. "Who is there?" The deep voice asked "I-its me Kim Chaewon! Im here for miss Huh!" Chaewon stuttered. The deep voice chuckled "You are talking to her right now" Chaewons jaw dropped no way this was her voice. It was so deep yet so calm and beautiful it turned her on so much. When the gates opened automatically, she went in. Then Yunjin opened the big doors for the short woman. Yunjin was taller than expected Chaewon gulped because her aurora was cold and serious Yunjin looked down at Chaewon smirking "Wow you are shorter than I thought" She chuckled again. Chaewon blushed and gulped again her voice chuckle everything about this taller woman turned her on the way she would look deep into her dark brown chocolate eyes, the way she talked, the way she smiled or should I say smirked, nothing about her didnt turn her on. "Come in and follow me little one" Yunjin said while she smirked which annoyed her but made Chaewon blush at the same time.

When they went into her big office, they talked about everything and about how she should scream her name if she got sexualized by anyone in the mansion. "Chaewon you are now officially my maid but theres just one little thing you have to do" Yunjin told the shorter one "Of course what is it?" Chaewon asked "You have to wear this maid suit so you will be seen as a maid" Yunjin explained. The 23 years old blushed hard while the 22 years old was looking at her with a devilish smile "D-d-do I h-have t-to?" Chaewon asked again while she stuttered "Yes you have the dressing room is there in that corner" as she pointed to a corner "O-okay thank y-you" Chaewon thanked her, grabbed the maid suit and rushed to the dressing room "Its only a matter of time that you will be mine, Kim Chaewon".

Yunjin wanted to be hers as soon as possible and she will make sure that she only will belong to Yunjin.

"Fucking shit this will be so embarrassing" Chaewon whispered to herself while looking at herself at the mirror that was standing infront of her. She came out with the maid suit and Yunjin was smirking again "God why wont she stop smirking at me? It turns me on so much Yunjin" Chaewon said in her mind "can you please turn around?" The taller one asked "S-sure" she agreed and turned around. Yunjin bit her lower lip as she touched her length "Can I turn around, Miss Huh?" Chaewon asked "Please call me Yunjin from now on, Chaewon" Yunjin responded breathlessly "oh okay can I turn around, Yunjin?" "No stay like this for a few minutes" she replied again breathlessly "O-okay". Yunjin just couldnt stop touching her dick because Chaewons ass just looked so big and juicy she wanted to touch it badly but she had to wait. After touching herself for 5 minutes she finally said "okay you can turn around" and the beauty hit her again making her cock only harder "What should I do first Yunjin?" The short haired asked "sit on my face" Yunjin wanted to say so so so badly but like she said to herself 'its only a matter of time to make you mine, Kim Chaewon'. "You can wipe away the dust that is on the window" Yunjin told her and she nodded while turning her back and leaving the office. When she left Yunjin breathed heavily "Fuck she looks sexy in this maid suit" Yunjin said to herself "only a matter of time~" she added.

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