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Adaleigh has always been a trouble maker, since the day she was born. When she was 3 years old she hid her dad's car keys in jello the day before he had to go to a funeral. She was a bad child. Her parents never paid attention to her so she never really got in trouble for her actions.

At school she always got into trouble. This time she had pushed it over the edge. Her teacher had fallen asleep in class and she put a big piece of slime in her hair. When the teacher woke up and nobody admitted to it, they had checked the security cameras. When they saw that it was Addy that put the slime in her hair she had gotten sent to the office.

"ADDY WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" Ms Cello (the principal) shouts at me. I see her almost every day so I don't know why she's still surprised that I'm down here. They always threaten to expel me but they never do.

"I tried to tell you Addy, I warned you this would happen! You have just gotten expelled. I'm sorry but I've tried to help you and nothing ever works because you never try to change! I'm calling your mom to pick you up."

After my mom picked me up it had been the first time she ever yelled at me. She said she hadn't known what to do with me anymore. I stayed silent the whole time. I loved Ms Cello. She always listened when I talked to her and now she's gone. I never actually thought she would expel me. I snap back to reality "HELLO? ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING" Mom is yelling. "of course I am" I don't wanna have to go to another school here.

My parents discussed where I'm going. They said I'm going to Pacific Coast Academy (PCA) in California. I've never been to California. I don't know what I'll do if I get expelled again. Every time I get expelled my parents take away my phone. I won't have my phone I use when I get my actual one taken away there. Whatever I guess...

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