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             On my way to find Chase I bump into a tall guy. "Hi whats your name?" I ask him that because he looks cool. "Michael, I know your Addy. You're like a legend here already, all the kids think you're awesome" I know I'm awesome but I won't say that because I want to be his friend. "Yea that's good to know. I don't really like a lot of kids here." The bell rings so school is over. I get on my way back to my dorm

             "Ads, do you wanna go to sushi rox with me and Chase?" Dana asks me. I can tell she doesn't really wanna go but I am really hungry. "Sure" I get up and we walk to sushi rox. When we get there, Logan is the waiter. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and I told Chase what I wanted so he could get it for me. When I left I found Nicole in the bathroom. "Hi Nicole!" I tried to act happy so then nobody knew I didn't like anyone. She waved at me and smiled.
                  I walk back out and our food is already at the table, when I get out Nicole is leaving so I wave goodbye. I eat a piece of sushi and it tastes awful but I'll eat it since Dana is there and I need to be her friend.

                I see one of my friends from my biology class and I go to talk to her. When I get over there she is talking to a boy. I peer around the corner to see it's Logan! I think she likes him! I don't understand why he's talking to like every girl in all of existence.

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