Meeting Chase

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            I wake up. I must've fallen asleep in my pillow! I have class in 10 minutes. Zoey Nicole and Dana are already gone! I get ready and start running to school. I slip and fall on my face and I realize this is very embarrassing. I turn around and see a boy. He has curly hair and an oval shaped face. He looks weird. "Hey, I'm Chase. Are you okay? Do you need a ride to class?" I give him a grateful look and get on the back of his bike.

           He drops me off at class and I see that one annoying kid. Logan. I have science for first period. The teacher is about to assign our lab partners. "Lucas, and Margot. Zoey, and Glenn. Addy, and Logan." NOOOOO! I hate Logan. I roll my eyes. He gets up and sits next to me. "Hey new girl" I look at him and gag. I don't want to talk to him. I start doing the work by myself and I mix the liquids and it explodes in Logan's face! I can't help but laugh.

             "ADDY MAE!" The teacher calls, "GO TO THE OFFICE" I roll my eyes. I hope I get expelled. I'm sick of this school already. I don't end up going to the office. I skip in the bathroom. Logan walks past the girls bathroom on his way to his next class. "What are you doing" he has a stupid look on his face. "Mind your own business." Addy gets up and tries to find Chase.

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