TFONC- Green Earth School

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Green Earth School, Eclipse. Mars.

“So students you’re all just few days behind from your final semester of school life. You will be having one month of holiday before the school reopens. As you all know that Argenoscopidellic civilization of Nepton-D1490 planet has already released their first ever model of Time Machine for public use ‘n that also within a suitable range of budget, which will be available on Mars shortly.” saying this she paused and turned back to write something on writing board with the help of a laser pen that works perfectly on the laser sensitive board. She waved her hand holding the pen like a magician and letters sparkled on the board.

‘H I S TO R Y’

So students as I teach you history, so today ‘m going to tell you something that you’ll not feel bored of. Our school is going to buy few Time Machines so whoever misses it, is going to have a ride on it from our institution. Yes students so this machine is going to be the first technological equipment for practical class on History subject. Isn’t it interesting??

“Oh!!! yes” all students shouted at once in excitement so got electric shock of 0.3 seconds which is  an automatic sound decibel sensor equipment fitted in every class room to be more specific on each sitting arrangement to maintain discipline and peace.

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