Chapter 3

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"I think I've come to terms with the fact that there will always be a ribbon of loneliness running through who I am." - Jenny Slate

"So, you think you'll want to join our crew as we valiantly fight against the Darkspawn invasion?" Darcy pulled out his sword and started duelling an invisible enemy where they stood in the courtyard of Redcliffe castle. Old blood stained the grass beneath their feet, the bodies of the undead they'd fought only a few hours beforehand strewn across the ground like discarded playthings. The smell of copper and rot filled the air but Darcy seemed bothered by none of it, instead, it seemed to almost enthuse him. "I know you almost got killed," he said with a flippant motion of his hand, his other resting on his hip, quickly moving past that unfortunate fact, "but you aren't afraid to fight dirty and you took down those three undead all on your own. I'd be remiss not to ask you to join our team, we could use a rogue like you. We'd have Leliana for all the- well, whatever it is she does when she's not talking about her supposedly prophetic dreams from your Shemlen God, and you, the intimidating aura and ruthless survival skills. A perfect combination." Darcy clasped his hands together and batted his eyelashes at her pleadingly.

"Uh," Gwen said with all the intelligence of a wolf caught in a bear trap. Her head felt like it had been shoved full of cotton, and run over by a wagon, and the ringing music in her ears had only gotten stronger in her weakened state.

"What our fearless leader means to say," Alistair interjected while Gwen continued to blink at Darcy, at a loss for words, "is that we would be honoured to have your strong and ruthless fighting spirit on our side."

"Yes, that," Darcy agreed.

"Why am I being the tactful one here," Alistair said with exasperation, "That's usually not my strong suit."

"Then you can rest easy, Alistair, intelligence would be a necessity, which you are sorely lacking," Morrigan droned, her arms crossed over her chest, her robes covered in sprays of dark blood that did not belong to her. Out of all of them, she was relatively unscathed - the perks of being a mage.

"Oh, well excuse me if I don't possess your level of intelligence, oh great and wise Bog Witch." Alistair huffed.

"My hut was adjacent to a swamp, Alistair. Anyone with even the slightest semblance of wisdom would be aware of that fact." Morrigan shot back, Alistair looking more and more miffed by the second.

"Children, the both of you" Darcy cut in, stepping between the two with his hands up as though they were quarrelling school children, "trading insults isn't going to convince Gwen to join us."

Gwen had been watching the exchange with tired eyes, barely hearing what they were saying in her exhausted state, still unsure how she was managing to stand on her own two feet. But at the mention of her name, she focused her gaze on Darcy. She had attempted to uncover any ulterior motives lurking in the shadows. He had seen her in action, swift and deadly with her daggers in hand. But beyond that, he knew almost nothing about her except for the way she could take down their enemy without hesitation. She wasn't exactly the kind of person one would want hanging around your camp late at night. And yet, during their entire battle through Redcliffe castle and their talk with Lady Isolde - who was now dealing with the consequences of her poorly thought-out plan - she could find none. Darcy, Alistair, Morrigan, and even Barkspawn had had her back throughout the entire fight, save for when she had gotten separated, though that was as much her fault as it was theirs. Darcy had treated Lady Isolde with kindness and grace that she had returned with self-righteousness and a judgemental eyeing of Darcy's ears. It had left Gwen confused as to why they were going to go out of their way to fetch a mage from the Circle to un-possess Connor at great personal risk to Darcy when it was the Arlessa who'd gotten them into that mess in the first place. She had caused the death of most of the castle's occupants and had unleashed a horde of undead upon the people she was supposed to protect. The assassin mage they had freed from the prison had offered an easy trade, Isolde's life for her son's. It seemed simple to Gwen, but Darcy had refused and had instead offered an alternative that would have them making the trek back to Redcliffe from the Circle.

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