Chapter 6 - Watch me Whip 🐍

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Written April 28th 2024

- Couple Days Later -

A young teenage girl stands out in the middle of an empty field. Wooden targets stand a good ways away, not far is a large cinder block begging to be destroyed. The girl is surrounded by an incredibly long snake made with different parts to extend its length. The girl holds onto it's tail with a firm grip, mimicking a tiktoker she saw in her past life, Jaques Ze Whipper. She uses her undead snake like a whip, and cracks it at the target.

Whipit hisses out threateningly launching itself at the target. Once it reaches it, it wraps and coils around the target quickly waiting for it's masters command. With a squeeze of the tail the snake constricts and destroys the dummy with an explosion of wooden shards. The snake lets go and retracts back to its master, wooden shards plopping out of the body as it forcibly regenerates. "Haha! Good job Whipit! We got this in the bag!" I cheer out to my snake who hisses happily at me with a snake like smile, tongue flicking out towards me lazily.

Meanwhile Butch and another cow self named Cinnamon practice their strength. Using their reinforced metal horns Power Loader made they stab them into the concrete block with loud hellish moo's. Green flames pouring from their nostrils they both work in unison and lift the 2ton block with ease. "Woo hoo!" I cheer out to my cows who strain to hold it up before dropping it with a boom. "Good job guys!" I cheer out to my cows who both puff up at the praise.

From three floors up of the main school building, teachers gather near the window and watch on with horror and amazement. "Good God.." Eraserhead whispers to himself as he watches the girl 'train'.

"Thank fuck you got a hold of her bro.. We would be totally fucked if she became a villain.." Hizashi whispers with a look of horror, watching as the girl celebrates with her monstrous beasts.

"Indeed! Mrs. Miyazaki would make a terrifying villain! This is why we must do our hardest to make sure she feels welcome here!" Nezu says with a happy voice while he looks down at the girl. Yes.. she will become a great hero. He thinks to himself.. then smirks. She might even extend my life should I die before her.

- Entrance Exam - Months Later -

Standing at the front gate wearing a comfortable hoodie and shorts, I look around for the familiar green head of hair. 'Master! He's coming!' One of my crows reports from a tree nearby. A moment later he appears with a nervous air about him.

"Izuku!" I smile wide and wave to him while I walk down the road with a backpack on my back. Splinter rides on my shoulder looking at the boy with a fond smile. He looks up and spots me, a smile on his face.

"Mio-chan!" He quickly jogs to me with a smile on his face, eyes glistening with excitement.

"Heh.. It's Alice now actually.. Sorry I haven't seen you around.. I kinda got caught." I rub the back of my neck with a grimace, having been unable to leave UA grounds without an escort.. They thought I would just run away again.

"E-Eh?!" His eyes widen with horror, thinking something horrible happened. Before I could explain what happened exactly, a voice interrupts me.

"Tch. It's the lich bitch. Outta my way extra! You two Deku!" Katsuki pushes past us, shoulder checking me and Izuku. I glare at him with contempt. One word, and I could have him ripped apart by a pack of dogs.. fucking TEST ME BAKUGO!!!

"Hmph.. haven't missed him I must say.. I'll tell you all about it once the test is over Izuku. C'mon we don't wanna be late!" Wrapping an arm around his shoulders he blushes and squeaks out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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