Lost In Translation

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A wall that cant be breached
A question never to speak
I feel like I'm weaving a recipe for a beautiful tapestry
Only to find the threads jumbled in a tight knot
How can I reach the stars when gravity pulls me down?

It takes an island to cut the waves
And a glacier to sink a ship
Should I stay still and let the world revolve around me?
How can the question answer itself when the pen is out of ink?

The dark has become a comfort to me
And the day is full of terrors
A home once besieged by hope
Now reeks the essense of tomorrow

I fear the emptiness inside me
Now matter how many times i fill it
It depletes itself subsequently
Until I crave for more in an endless cycle of need and want
Never to find a feeling that stays
Permanance rots at my feet at every step I make
Until it reaches my throat as my words escape as I speak

No clear mind can comprehend the struggle
Of questions trapped in a glass jar
One more query till it breaks
From the pressure I consistently make

Numbness reaches my feet and hands
Everyday is a reason to despawn
No human value can fulfill the aching that I feel
No initimate touch can relinquish the keel of a broken spirit
Actions relayed through decrepit motions but lost in translation
What was once a clear view of the shining sun
Now obscured by cloudy resolution

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