Falling for you..

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Nia was not in the badminton session today.

Allen was reckless not seeing her.

Next day, Nia was done for a jog and returning home when she saw Allen sitting on a bench in the park.

Nia : [surprised] Allen ? What are you doing here?

Allen : Just taking a break from studying. Nice seeing you here.
Nia : you wake up so early?
Allen: Not Really!! Thought to do it today. How are you?
Nia : Oh!! I am good!! But I have never seen you here in morning time.
Allen ( furiously) : I told you already!! I am here today only? You have any problem with me then I can go?
Nia looked at his face. She understand very well he came because she is not going to badminton.

Allen was looking really upset. Nia just sat besides him. He turned to her and was looking for some time.
"What" !! Nia asked.

Allen : Why you are not coming for badminton??Can you tell me??
Nia : I will tell you, Now I am in hurry.I should go. It's getting late.
She stood up and turned what she suddenly felt is the hold of Allen's hand on her wrist.
Nia turned back. Allen was looking at her with curious eyes.

" Just don't try to be more close to me.. I.. I.. am....." nia was upset and trying to say something.

" What?? You are..?? Allen was curious.
Nia was silent.

" What all you are saying" ?? Allen asked.

Nia: just leave my hand!! I will tell you.
Allen's hold was being tight.
Nia ( Screaming) : Leave!!!!!!
Allen was shocked with her behaviour and quickly dropped his hand. Nia just left hurriedly.

Allen was not able to understand why Nia is behaving like this and What is she hiding? He was completely restless.

The next day Again, Allen was in the garden early morning. Nia was wearing headphones listening to music. Suddenly she saw Allen.
She just ignored him and continue to jog.
Allen swiftly sand in her way.

Allen : That day you told me to not to be close to you because You are...??? You are what???
Nia : Just go from here.
Allen : Are you getting crazy. Suddenly what happened to you??
" I am really sorry for yesterday. I was not in my senses. Please forgive me for my weird action."
But at least tell me what were you saying??
Nia : why are you so concerned about me??

" Don't you know"? He asked.

Nia : No!! We are just neighbours. I am your senior. You are younger to me. We should maintain the relation in that way and by the way, what is the relationship between us. We are not even friends. So if you are thinking something else about me just forget about it.

Allen was shocked. The way Nia was talking was completely different than what she actually is.

"But one thing was sure. There is something wrong with nia that's why she is behaving like that. I will find out slowly". He was thinking.
I should manage my anger and then will ask her.
He was just trying to calm himself down. He was silent for 2-3 minutes.

Allen ( in present ): Ok!! I will keep that in my mind. Now can we walk for sometime.

Nia was shocked now. She was thinking how can he be so calm suddenly with what I said. Isn't it hurtful to him. We both know we like each other. Still I told him so much. But he is fine with it??? How???

Nia: ( in present ) Oh!! Ok!!

They jogged in comfortable silence for a moment, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and their steady breathing.

As they walked side by side, Nia couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and ease in his company. The warmth of the sun was slowly spreading across the horizon, and they both knew that their time together was coming to an end. As they were about to say their goodbyes, Allen gazed into her eyes with such tenderness that she felt herself drawn to him once more. Despite her best efforts to resist, she knew deep down that she was falling for him more and more.

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