Chapter 3

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Uzi blinked open her eyes, surprised not to see her among the glass cages, but inside one instead. Her vision was fuzzy, she felt this before. They put magnets on me. Uzi gave a small groan, alerting the attention of one of the drones outside her cage. "She woke up!" one of them blurted out before running away in a rush. That was probably a bad idea...

Soon, more drones piled in, watching her from the glass, mumbling and writing down stuff on their checkboards. A red-eyed drone with pigtails looked at another drone. "Go start the first test."

EXCUSE ME? A test?  Uzi watched as the drone ran off. "Please let me go." She muttered under her breath, of course, not loud enough for them to hear.

The drone came back with another glass cage, this time a disassembly drone was chained up inside. What...? The drone threw the disassembly drone into the glass cage that held Uzi and shut the door. The disassembly drone broke free from the chains and looked at Uzi, its eyes gleaming and saliva dripped down onto the floor. Shit!

Uzi tried to use her solver, but nothing happened. Right, the magnets prevent that. The disassembly drone leaped at Uzi, pinning her to the floor. Uzi's eyes were full of fear, but she shook it away, kicking straight at the drone's visor, making it wince back. Uzi unfolded her wings and tail. They're making me fight it.

The disassembly drone leaped at Uzi again, this time Uzi grabbed the drone's arm with her tail and threw him at the wall. The disassembly drone lay there for a minute before running to Uzi once again. This time, Uzi used her wings to grab the drone.

The disassembly drone thrashed against her grip, using its claws to try and attack her. Its claws nearly hit her core. Pain shot through Uzi as she dropped the drone and stumbled back. The disassembly drone grinned with malice, running and leaping straight for Uzi. She closed her eyes, awaiting her upcoming death.

"Remember, the core is an important organ for a drone, aim there for a clean kill!"

Uzi opened her eyes, staring at the drone once again, then raising her tail and piercing straight through the core of the drone. The disassembly drone paused then fell limp onto the floor.

Uzi looked at the drone, then at her tail, which was covered in oil. Parts of her hoodie were clawed off. She fell to her knees, exhausted and panting as she lay against the wall. The drones outside continued writing on their checkboards. One drone stepped closer to the door, about to grab the body, but another drone stopped them. "It needs to be well-fed before we can continue the other tests."

The drones filed away to review the examinations they wrote down, leaving Uzi alone. She looked at the dead disassembly drone in front of her, oil dripping down onto the floor. Uzi could hear her solver buzzing. Well... maybe... She crept closer to the corpse, grabbing it and dragging it over to a corner of the room.

She could feel the oil on her palms. She was hungrier than ever. She grabbed handfuls of the oil and shoved it into her mouth with blind hunger, she then grabbed the heart and slurped it down in a single gulp. Trust me, they should thank me for doing that.

Uzi saw the left-over oil from the drone. She was not hungry anymore, but she didn't want it to go to waste. She dipped her finger into some of the oil and drew on the glass walls of the cage. Uzi looked at the drawings she made. They were sketches of N. Wow... I didn't think my drawing skills improved over our adventures. Her pride faded quickly as she frowned. I miss him.

Uzi looked around the room and saw a pipe hanging from the ceiling. She wrapped her tail around the pipe, folding her wings over her face and closed her eyes. But the buzz of the solver would not let her ever sleep. 

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