The new world

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With the light filtering through the foliage, he could now begin to grasp his new world.

A solitary light, against a sky painted by the very essence he had known throughout his entire existence.

"That faint light, though surrounded by others of its kind, remains a solitary existence that stands amidst the darkness." - He thought.

But was he capable of thought from the outset? Was he able to question? What are all these new contemplations he was never able, or perhaps not even permitted, to experience?

As time passed, the gleaming light amid the darkest sky was gradually overtaken by a stronger illumination as the night gave way.

He could now discern the greenish hue of the leaves and the dun branches above his tiny being; he could perceive the blue sky where once the little Star had shone.

For the first time, he felt small.

His mind was flooded with thoughts and feels he had never even considered possible, yet the clear day was not to his liking as he longed for the companionship of the little light.

The light soon returned to visit again, much to the joy of the little Puppet. He would never be able to articulate the profound emotions he experienced on the day he faced his new world...

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