The Wooden Puppet and The Shiny Star

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He found himself on a plain, with a grassy ground stretching out before him, and a vast sky overhead that seemed to stretch into infinity.

For the third time, he felt small.

As The Shiny Star beheld him on that plain, happiness flooded her being. As The Wooden Puppet struggled to regain consciousness and began to search for his companion, The Shiny Star shone in a brilliance never before witnessed.

It was a night that came to be known as the night as bright as day, and the receiver of all that radiance was none other than The Wooden Puppet, who immediately stirred from his numbness and gazed upward.

They were finally together, and this time he would follow wherever she goes, so they stand as one for eternity.

The now forever partners, The Wooden Puppet and The Shiny Star.

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