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   After Vilo got accepted by the law, he kept reading books about demons, hoping he could find information to help him gain his powers. He tried to not have his interest show, but it seemed the ones he knew in the human realm were happy that he tried to show his interest in demons since he would have to fight them, anyway. At least - pretend - to fight them.

   Vilo had gotten the vibes he wasn't trusted, so he would have to play the first game by the humans' rules. How unfortunate.

   Why did humans even have to fight demons? Not like demons did anything bad... In school, Vilo was taught that humans were crazy and afraid of change. But they seemed too happy to be afraid of change. How can anyone be afraid of change? Change is necessary for improvement.

   While the thoughts were running rent-free in Vilo's head, Sage walked up to him, punched his shoulder, and scared the hell out of Vilo. "You there?"

   "Uh, yeah. You scared me. Next time just tap my shoulder, don't punch."

   "I thought you wouldn't notice that. I needed to get your attention. Tomorrow is training. I need to know how strong you are. That way big Boss Man will know which level demons you can take down. My level is teamwork. That's the second lowest. Or fourth highest, if that's how you will take it (I hope you take it that way. I hate being weak)."

   "Alright. Which is the lowest level?" Vilo asked and tilted his head.

   "Medical. Although, even if you're on a higher level, you can also choose to be tasked with lower level tasks, so..."

   "Alright, I suppose. That's interesting."

   Sage felt awkward just standing there after bombarding Vilo with information, so he felt he needed to talk more: "So, uh, what was your name again?"

   "Silver, but you can call me Vilo or Violet. It's a nickname."


   Then Mr. Smith called them to dinner.

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