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All this is no coincidence
Just, just by my feeling
The world is whole different from yesterday
Just, just with your joy
When you called me
I became your flower

~serendipity (jimin)

It was 2 in the afternoon, jimin was packing up lunch for both of them and putting it up in a huge big basket, as yoongi sat patiently on the couch, making circles on the soft couch. Not that he wasn't helping the other, infact he wanted to help the brunette so much, but jimin won't accept- he put the older down because his wound was not completely cured, and jimin well noticed that it still pained the older, yoongi would touch his forehead and his face would change into a frown but he refused to accept that it pained him.

Yoongi glanced up at the younger who was humming while arranging the food securely in the basket. His angelic voice echoing the room, yoongi got lost in the man before him, he kept looking at him from behind, feeling sweet emotions all through him.

A warm smile crept on the ravenette's face as laid back in the couch closing his eyes, enjoying the sweet melody being hummed by an angelic jimin. He tapped his fingers on the couch as he hummed himself, forgetting all the worries and melting into the sweet voice of jimin.

Suddenly the voice stopped and he furrowed his eyebrows. He opened his eyes quickly and  and jerked his head up. But he got frozen to see Jimin who was close to his face, his hands behind his back as he leaned forward a little, wiggling his eyebrows.

Yoongi blinked several times, as if asking what the matter was. Jimin's lips curved upwards and his eyes got small, "hyung you were so lost at my humming, weren't you"
"N-no why would I?" Yoongi said as he panicked a little because of being too close to the brunette's face.
"You weren't even listening to me" jimin laughed as he backed off, and went to the kitchen, coming back holding that basket that was too big for his hands.
Yoongi sat there for a second, looking into nothing. he kept thinking of how close jimin was to him back then, while jimin himself was dealing with the same feelings.

Yoongi finally stood and wore his shoes, he was wearing jimin's cream coloured t-shirt and bright yellow pants, as he had forgotten to bring clothes with him. Jimin also gave him a yellow hat and a jacket, he said it would look great on yoongi, indeed it did look great.
Jimin was wearing light bright lilac sweater and matching shorts, and a little bow matching the color of the sweater.

Yoongi went upto jimin who was struggling with the basket and trying to pull out the keys, which were hanging on a key holder at the side of the door. He chuckled at jimin who just blinked "you should help instead of giggling hyung" he said pouting.

"You refuse to take any help, Mr. Mini" he said as he shook his head he took the keys."

his is how you do it" he showed the keys to the brunette and shrugged, waking out of the apartment. Jimin stood there, smiling at the nickname that the ravenette had just given, but he realised soon what that meant,

"Hey I am not short okay? I am nearly your height" he said shouting as he came out of the apartment.

"You are still shorter" yoongi just laughed mischievously as he locked the door behind him, while jimin was pouting and frowning, holding the basket in his tiny hands. Yoongi turned around, and looked at the said boy.

He wiggled his eyebrows as he came closer to the younger, and touched his plump lips, "stop frowning mini" and walked passed him
And yet again, jimin got flustered, as he catched up to the ravenette who was already walking downstairs.


After walking for about 10 minutes, they finally reached the edge of the mountain where that little garden was. All through the way, they both were talking about the days gone by that place, how they used to go there almost everyday and enjoyed the time spent in nature.

But fate is so cruel to let a flower stay without withering, it blows away the petals of flower making it fall to it's end..

Stepping into the garden, jimin felt a hit of memories, all the memories of his childhood flashing in his mind, while yoongi could feel the resonance of his mother around there, the place was so warm and welcoming, as if it were waiting for the two boys.

A warm smile formed on jimin's face as he saw the ravenette closing his eyes as the sunlight hit his face,  making his pale skin glow. The wind was slow, enough to make their hair blow, as the leaves make soft gustling sound and making the environment warm.


They were sitting on each swing, that was tied with a thick bough of a large tree, it's branches spread all over. The tree had small white flowers, some of them laying on the ground. Those swings were under the shed of tree, so the sunlight was dim and it was cool around there.

Both were swinging, not with much speed, while talking about random things. The ravenette was explaining that cats are not selfish, because apparently jimin said they were mean so yoongi got offended and now they were bickering over it.

While Yoongi was busy explaining with his hands, looking forward, the brunette pulled out his phone and took a picture of the ravenette, but yoongi did not notice as he was too busy explaining. Jimin looked at the picture as he tried not to laugh, because yoongi just looked so smol and looked like a little kid blabbering about cats.

The ravenette stopped speaking as his gaze fell on jimin,
"Hey what happened? "
And jimin burst into laughter, while yoongi went blank, blinking his eyes several times.

"Hyung...you look so smol like a kid in this" he said in between giggles as he showed the picture to the said boy. Yoongi looked at it, "yah yah I look so weird, delete it!"
"Yes!!!" The older whined as he stood up but jimin was faster and he started running around there, yoongi following behind.

Jimin was giggling and yoongi seemed annoyed due to that picture,
"Catch me if you can lol" jimin kept running, and yoongi was way too slow than him, but he got an idea.

The ravenette stopped running and held his head, and pretended that it was paining, jimin glanced back as he stopped running too, "hyung what happe-
And there it was-

Yoongi rushed towards the brunette, his expressions changing from whining to smirking.
It took a second for jimin to realise and as he tried to run again, he felt yoongi's hand holding his wrist and within a second, he was being dragged towards the older.

Yoongi turned him around and held onto the brunette's arm lightly.

"Yah hyungg that's cheating!" Jimin said, whining.
"Nope it's not! Now delete that picture" he said as yoongi pulled him a little closer so he Don't run again.
"Please let it stay! I promise I won't tease you with it! Pleasue yoonie" jimin pouted as he made those big eyes, which caused something in yoongi's heart, and his  cheeks flushed into a shade of peach. The nickname gave yoongi a hit of warm feelings.
"Ahh.. fine"

It's like wandering  through a beautiful maze without a map, not knowing the bliss of love's embrace.

Hai! Are you liking the story so far?
It's difficult for me to update these days but I am trying, so getting to hear from you makes me happier.
Well- bye for now! I will try to come soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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