Chapter 12. The morning after...

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Y/n was brutally awakened by a group of students passing by. With a muddled head, she found herself sleeping on a bench.
She could hear the conversations of other students, filled with anger, speculation and curiosity. Who was the bellhop that ruined their party? Several pupils got into heated arguments with each other and accusations flew back and forth. It was clear that tensions were running high.

Anxiety settled in her stomach as she quickly showed herself in her own room, the lump in her throat growing by the minute.

The next morning Y/n hurried through the corridors of Hogwarts, the weight of the evening's events felt heavy on her mind. The whispers and murmurs around her amplified her anxiety as she made her way to the Great Hall.
When she got therr she joined the crowd of students who we're streaming in for breakfast. The atmosphere was filled with tension. As Professor McGonagall stood at the front of the hall, her expression serious.

As silence felt, McGonagall spoke. "It has come to my attention that certain individuals have been guilty of reckless and dangerous behaviour. Last night's events were unacceptable and it is clear that action must be taken."

"As a result..." Professor McGonagall continued in a stern tone "...all extracurricular activities have been suspended until further notice. Any student participating in such activities will suffer dire consequences." The gravity of the situation seemed to weigh heavily on everyone. As she scanned the room, her eyes focused on the grinning faces of Yann and Karl in the corner. Anger bubbled up inside her as she realised the role Karl had played in the events of the previous evening. What if she wasn't the only one who he tried to take advantage of.

Determined to find out the truth, Y/n shrugged her shoulders and decided to confront Karl and Yann after the speech. But as she stepped forward, a sudden murmur arose at the back of the hall, drawing everyone's attention. A group of professors entered the Great Hall, their expressions grim as they whispered among themselves. Y/n's heart raced as she wondered what new developments had occurred.

As the professors reached the front of the hall, Professor McGonagall's expression darkened. "It seems..." she said, her voice laced with concern. "That there has been a breach of security in the castle. The Chamber of Secrets has been reopened. You will all be advised to go to your domitories to receive futher information. " some noticed tears in her eyes. What was going in?

The atmosphere at Hogwarts was depressed. It was as if blanket of sadness and confusion hung over the tragic events. It seemed that a few people have found death students in the chamber of secrets. The names would be announced and memory items would be collected for a memorial ceremony.

What onces started as a protected beaken. Now turned into a party for a few rebels, who just wanted to be free. Nobody knew it would end up in a murder spray. Was this discoverd by incident or......?

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