chapter 1.

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chapter 1


I was startled by my brothers loud bonking on my bedroom door.


"little shit" I heard my brother mumble, while walking away, sighing.

I grunted loudly, I still had to find a dress to wear and my make-up looked like ass.

"KIE!!!" I yelled. "I NEED YOUR HELP"

I opened my door and stuck my head out, looking for a sign of my best friend.

"KIEEEE" I yelled again, getting more and more impatient.

"What, calm down I'm here!" I was met with a confused face while she shoved me back into my room. "girl, your make-up is a mess"

"Ugh, I know! That's why I called you didn't I?" I snapped at her.

"damn, calm down indie" she spoke, an amused smile on her face

"Why are you so tense tonight anyway?" she asked, grabbing my contour and applying it to my face

"I'm not" I answered, rolling my eyes.

"After 15 years i think i can tell when you're lying, babe" she replied, visibly getting more irritated.

"just not pumped for sara cameron to show up and attack my brother with her tongue" I swatted away her hand and walked towards my closet. "what should I wear?"

"this again? They've been dating for like a year" she answered, following me and pulling some dresses outta my closet.

"I told you, I don't trust her, shes a kook and always will be a kook"

She hands me a small black dress, turning around to look for shoes. "not dramatic at all" she whispered under her breath

"Look, you're gonna have to get over this kook-vendetta, you can't let something that happened 3 years ago define your whole opinion on them." She spoke, throwing a pair of heels on the bed. "besides, how many times have I told that you can trust sara?"

"Typical, you're always defending her." I say, changing into the dress. "What happened to us just talking shit about those privileged assholes." I finished, pulling it over my head.

"Oh come on, Indie. don't be like that, we were gonna have fun tonight, remember?" she smiles as she walks towards me. "now, you look the perfect amount of slutty, great for a crashing a kook party."

I smiled as I looked in the mirror "you're right, we're all slutted up"

My smile falters as I hear sarah's car pull up "great"

"Let's go Indiana, time to party!" Kie grabs my hand, pulling me with her towards the living room.

" just can't wait to enter kookmania" I sigh

I see JJ walking up behind me, obviously checking me out.

"JB, I hate to break it to you, but you are very obviously the uglier sibling, cuz ana is looking a lil too good tonight."

I laugh as he walks besides me and smack him on the back of the head "asshole"

"Do that again please? I love feisty women" he snickers, freezing when he sees the look in john b's eyes.

"JJ, I swear to god if you don't shut up, I will tie you up outside for the rest of the night" John b, threatened, shaking his head

JJ puts his hands up in surrender and laughs. "Calm down bree"

THE ACT OF ANYTHING II Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now