chapter 2.

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chapter 2

I was woken up by the bright beams of sunlight suddenly shining in my face. "You still sleeping? Seems like you broke a new record."

I slightly lifted up my head at the sound of JJ's voice, being met with him standing next to my window, arms crossed and cocky smile on his face.

I groan in response and pull the covers over my head "Go away JJ" I mumble

The blond boy walks over to me and nudges me. "It's sunday, remember? Time to hit the waves"

I sit up quickly, throwing the covers down to my lap. "I'm not going, take someone else, I don't care"

I stand up, walking over to my window and closing the curtains that he so very rudely opened. "Can you go now? I have a hangover I need to sleep off"

He furrows his eyebrows at my response and stands up too, walking over to me. "What? You never say no to our sunday surf trips." He states, looking confused.

"Yeah, that was before I found out that everybody was lying to me, including you." I walk back to my bed and throw myself in it, sliding back under the covers. "You can go now." I state, turning around and facing my back to JJ.

I hear him sigh in annoyance and walk back closer to me. "Really? You gonna be like that?"

I stayed silent at his words, hearing him pause as he tries to figure out what to say.

"Suit yourself" I freeze at his un-JJ-like soft voice as he walks out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

I exhale deeply and turn back around to lay on my back, staring at the celing.

I wonder if  I was too harsh on JJ, his dissapointment making me doubt my actions. The wound was still fresh and I guess I don't know how to communicate with the pogues anymore, choosing to be a bitch was easier anyway.

My spiraling thoughts were interuppted by my door opening. Out of the corner of my eye I see John B and JJ pushing Pope into my room harshly, whispering something along the lines of "Don't be a pussy, dude" and "She's not gonna listen to us, just go".

I see Pope turn around, shaking their hands off of him "Don't do this to me, guys" he angrily whispers, sighing when they close the door on him.

I try and look away, but it's too late, our eyes meet and he awkwardly laughs. "Those guys, am I right?" he speaks, using his thumb to signal to the two.

I look away, pulling my knees up to my chest. "What do you want, Pope?"

He walks further into my room, choosing to lean against my closet door which was directly facing my bed. "Just wanna talk to you, you came in late yesterday"

"I don't need a therapist" I answer, feeling more and more annoyed. "Besides, you only came in here because those two shitheads forced you to".

His eyebrows perked up in suprise as he coughs uncomfortably. "Look, I know you're mad at us, but you can't just disappear for a full night, that's a pogue rule."

I scoffed at his answer, rolling my eyes as I finally looked at him. "Last time I checked, no pogue on pogue macking and no lies among pogues were also pogue rules."

He nods slightly at my answer, seemlingly trying to find the right words. "Right, but still, we were worried"

He continued at my silence, walking closer and sitting next to me on my bed. "You just bailed all night, we didn't know where you were, JB was a wreck."

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest at his response, not really realizing how me not checking in would play out at home.

"Trust me, I was fine" I answered, regardless of the pit in my stomach that had suddenly appeared.

THE ACT OF ANYTHING II Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now