Chapter Nine

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"Hey Wooyoung." Hongjoong said looking up at the top bunk. "What's up?" He replied. "Are you and San doing anything today?" He asked. "Nope, why?" Wooyoung said peeking his head out from the side of the bed. "Seonghwa and I..are going Y'know later?" he said trying to make up a lie. "Oh? how does it work on a phone?" Wooyoung awkwardly asked. "I'm not explaining that.." Hongjoong laughed a fake laugh. "Alrighty then, I'll leave, but it's late and I dont wanna be out of my dorm for too long.

"Just stay with San, Isn't Yunho on vacation?" Hongjoong said calmly. "Yep, he is. You're so smart when you have to be! Okay! Bye" Wooyoung said hopping off the bunk and stepping out the door. Reality slapped Hongjoong in the face as he began to cry. His tears flew down from both sides of his cheeks, surely to stain. His breath hitched and his body shook in his own comfort.

He couldn't take this anymore, he just wanted it to be over with, he wanted Sangwook to finish whatever as soon as possible and leave him alone. He gained composure after a little while and grabbed his phone to set alarms. He set three alarms: One for 4:30 AM, 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM. Depending on which one he would wake up to he would stay up until he heard the knock he didn't want to hear.

The time went by slowly, and his brain filled with thoughts nobody should think of. He was scared. That's all he could feel, scared. He knew he was going to get touched in ways he only dreamt of Seonghwa doing, but he couldn't take it.

Hongjoong finally fell asleep after crying himself to it. He fell asleep at 1:00 AM. Nowhere close to enough amount of sleep he would need for the rest of the day. He dreamt about Seonghwa, his beautiful Seonghwa right infront of him simply just talking.

Maybe if he pretended Sangwook was Seonghwa he'd feel somewhat better? He didn't want to give Seonghwa the disgusting characteristics of Sangwook, but he had to at least try to distract himself from these strong and disgusting feelings.

His eyes fluttered open to a loud blaring alarm. He woke up completely and reached for the phone, he turned off the rest of the alarms and got up to go to the bathroom. In the bathroom he simply looked at himself. Staring at the mirror and his lifeless eyes. His beautiful demeanor was crashed with insecurities. All the bullying done had taken a toll on him.

Hongjoong used to feel beautiful and as if he was one of a kind, but now he just felt ugly. He hated his looks, because Sangwook would tell him they weren't one of a kind. He believed him, everytime he was beat he became so vulnerable he believed each and every word he said.

After staying in the bathroom for too long he finally decided to get out. He sat on his bed debating his choices, and that's just when he realized a beating would've been better than this. The sound he didn't want to hear most happened. A knock on his door. He walked slowly to the door shaking with each step.

His heart ached and his stomach dropped as he reached for the handle. He held onto the handle for a minute or so before taking a deep breath and opening it. There standing was Sangwook, the dirty Sangwook. His face was calm but he could tell that demeanor would change right away. "Glad you decided to use your slutty brain and listen." Sangwook said with a smirk. "Just hurry up." Hongjoong said with a shaken up voice. Sangwook stepped into the dorm.

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