The Removal of Private Messages

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This is a booklet I take great displeasure in writing for a multitude of reasons, all of which will be detailed here. With the recent shortsighted and sudden announcement of the removal of the Private Messaging feature on Wattpad, I, along with thousands of other authors and readers, have been struck by a tsunami wave of concerns surrounding the future of this website/app. Changes like this have a negative effect on all fronts for all users. This change, which benefits no one nor has any sort of positive side to it for those that use Wattpad, is a disheartening precedent that I fear is just the first of many others like it that will be coming to Wattpad down the road. The reasoning for the removal is not only misleading, but it's a poor excuse of an explanation which is something people on every site across the internet have seen time and time again. Communication from Wattpad on a topic such as this needs to take center stage if we as a collective are to trust in the future of the platform. The reasoning, announcement, and execution of this change is poor at best, and downright worrying at its worst. Taking away such an integral feature that connects us to each other and opens easy channels of communication between both authors and readers is going to have a ripple effect that will cripple entire communities. 

Wattpad is a place where amateur authors can get into testing their hobby of writing by releasing their works on a platform for anyone to read and critique them. Private messages are a crucial part of the learning experience where one-on-one conversations can be held. To speak from personal experience, I have had conversations with tens of others like me who wanted to share ideas and/or ask for advice in a private space where the background efforts put into writing can be seen by us and us only. Many great and developing writers have come to me for pointers or opinions on what they're working on. Not only that, but the readers of my works have reached out to ask questions, give constructive criticism, or to even just to chat for the sake of having someone to talk to. I have connected with some great people who were inspired by my works and wished to either express that sentiment, or even share some very wholesome works of their own based on what I've written including art and fan stories. It's a special and encouraging experience that will soon be taken away for everyone. The process of turning a fletching writer into a dedicated hobbyist is built off reader feedback. Taking away the main source of private author-reader communication kills the personal connection between the two. 

The following is a series of general thoughts on the removal of the Private Messaging feature coming from me, eyesoftheFUTURE. For information on the future of 'The Psychic Hero: Redux', 'The Vice-President: Reawakened', and this account, look to the chapters list and select the one you're looking for. 

eyesoftheFUTURE's thoughts:

Wattpad's Side

Misuse of Private Messages

This is probably the biggest conversation point when it comes to the Private Messaging feature as a whole when not focusing on the removal of it. Private messages, much like any other communication feature on any other platform, can be used for more than just conversations about writing or reading. Many users have experienced bullying, harassment, threats, and other negative things through their private messages on Wattpad. Although these encounters/interactions aren't fun to deal with for the user base, it must also be a huge headache for Wattpad staff to monitor, moderate, process, and deal with on a daily basis. It's an even bigger headache when minors are involved in these situations. To maintain proper use of private messages will always be an uphill battle. I have experienced these situations first-hand and have always dealt with them myself in polite and level-headed ways, being no stranger to online interactions, but those who aren't accustomed to facing these negative interactions have difficulties handling the private messaging system. With the worldwide crackdown on child safety on the internet, Wattpad most certainly has/had a tough situation on their hands given the large userbase of minors on the platform. 

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