The Psychic Hero: Redux

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The Psychic Hero: Redux will continue as normal for now. I am working on a number of "contingency plans" in the event things go belly up on Wattpad before it's finished. I've put far too much time, dedication, and passion into this project to see it die because of a series of possible future changes that might threaten its existence. I will fight until the last dying breath to keep this story here on this platform and to see it through to the end. Unfortunately, I now have to be more focused on external threats rather than on writing it. Sounds dramatic, I know, but when you've put hours of your life making notes and writing a story just for the foundations it's sitting on to be shaken puts you in survival mode. I will stop at nothing to ensure the future of The Psychic Hero: Redux. I will make a Google Site for it if I must. Wattpad has planted a flag and I'm planning mine. 

The Psychic Hero: Redux will live. 

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