chapter two:the beginning of change

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Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions now, not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck

The weather was pleasant today, the wind caressing the depths of the earth. Legs crossed, Jaren was tapping into his core energy so he could heal; Elder Manuel had been merciless at practice today.

Days like this, he felt the training was pointless, like the elders were trying to punish him for something he had no idea about.

Just at fifteen years of age, he was in his third energy level, something even adult protectors couldn't dream of. Everyone called him special, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see anything special about himself.

Feeling someone coming towards him, he finally smiles. Opening his eyes, he's met with the greenest eyes, like that of the leaves of the huge palm tree he was under, staring at him with an expression he had seen a million times.

Rosie, the only reason he looked forward to another day. She was his only friend, companion, his peace, and she was his, no one else.

“What do you want?” he asks, feigning disinterest. “You,” she replies, smiling.

Rolling his eyes, he says, “I'm not in the mood for games, Rose, as you can see I'm busy.”

Suddenly remembering the illusion he had of her earlier, where she was on her knees, beaten and bloody and then stabbed from behind, he feels fear gnaw at his heart as he closes his eyes, trying to forget the image.

Illusions were very common during practice. The elders created them to remind him of what he was fighting for. He was already used to it, but the one of today had scarred him to his very bones. It looked so real; he almost swore it was more of a vision than an illusion.

“Busy with what?” Rosie asks, her hands on his face, using her energy to heal the cuts and bruises there. “Let it go, Rosie. Go home, Mirain will need your help.”

“Did something happen? You look awful. You know I saw Elder Manuel when I was coming here; he looked like he had been beaten badly. You sparred with him, right?”

Laughing, she continues, “He looked so angry, I greeted him and he acted like I was invisible. Imagine a boy standing against an elder, what exactly can't you do?”

‘A lot,’ he thought. If he had his way, he wouldn't be here; he would have left with her a long time ago. What can't he do? He can never be free. He was always going to be a puppet, a prize to the elders.

Rosie, sensing the mood he was in, “done, your face is back to all its handsome glory,” adding she says, “I found a place, it's a little bit far from here, hidden just across the mountain. From now to evening when we'll be needed, let's escape a little.”

"Rosie…” Cutting him off, she squats in front of him. “You're tired, Jaren, and not just physically. I can feel it. Give yourself a break; we'll be back before anyone finds out.”

Dragging him by the hand, he stands up, making up his mind. ‘If this is what she wants, I can give even this little to her.’

"Bells of chaos" was what the bell on top of the tower was now called because whenever it was rung, it never brought good news with it. Rosie felt her heart in her throat when she heard the sound of the bell the third time. ‘Had they found out she and Jaren were missing?’

Running back towards the tribe, Jaren taking the lead, she felt something was really wrong. Now almost there, the sound of cries and swords clanking together made her pause a little. Of all days for an attack, she thought.

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