Chapter 1

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The whole thing was a bit messy. He had tricked Evie into jokingly agree to marry him after they had sex. She ran away after the wedding rehearsal dinner party. But they were able to get her back, and have the wedding.

Though that all went to Hell as Evie rebelled and stabbed Walter in the chest, injuring him. His wives, Lucy and Viktoria, rushed to his sides. His love for them growing seeing how much they care for his well-being. 

Viktoria, full of rage, went after Evlyn. Lucy went to stop Evlyn from being hurt, as she also cared about Evie, but when she rushed over, she saw she was to late, Viktoria held Evie to the wall, with her nails in her chest. 

She wasn't dead yet, Walter's blood keeping her alive for how. Lucy went to stop her wife/lover, but her husband, Walter, stopped her. He had also made his way to where the other two girls were.

Viktoria looked at her husband. "I gave you a chance Evlyn. I wanted to give you a family. A better life. But you modern women are so ungrateful. I was starting to love you like I love them." He told her and gave a nod to Viktoria.

With that. Viktoria cut Evie's throat, then tossed into the fire.

Lucy teared up and started crying. She really liked Evlyn. She had promised Lucy to show her around New York. She felt a bond with her instantly. And now she was gone.

Walter hugged her, kissing her head. "It had to be done my love. We will find a new bride. But for now, I have to rest and find blood so we can do so." He told her.

Viktoria went to Lucy, and pulled her out of Walters arms and into her own. Also kissing Lucy's blonde head. "She would've hurt us all. Hurt you. I couldn't allow it. I can't allow anyone to hurt any of us. She tried to kill our Master." Viktoria told her.

Lucy will get over it, Viktoria will make her feel better and things will get back to normal for them all.

Things will get better once they find a new bride.

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