Chapter 43

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The Great Hall was filled with excited chattering students eating breakfast. The quidditch game between Hufflepuff and Slytherin started in an hour. Sophie and Cho sat at the Hufflepuff table with Bronson as they ate.

"Which team are you routing for?" Cho asked as she took a bite of a scone.

"Hufflepuff. Duh." Bronson said disgusted as he pointed to the yellow and black scarf he was wearing.

"You're not routing for your boyfriend?" Cho asked.

"Cho, sweet child." Bronson placed a hand on her leg. "I love him, but he needs to be humbled. Hufflepuff is just better." Bronson cockily shrugged and smiled. "Theo's not on the team anymore anyways."

Cho rolled her eyes. "What about you Sophie? Who are you routing for?"

"Well I do like Hufflepuff better than Slytherin...." She started. "But Draco and Blaise are playing.....I guess I'll be happy either way."

"Yes, but imagine how insufferable Theo will be if they win." Bronson looked at Sophie.

"I can tell you really care about him." Sophie said sarcastically.

"Young love." Cho teased as she batted her eyelashes.

"Finish your food. I want to get good seats." Bronson motioned to Cho's plate.

"Yeah yeah." Cho took another bite of food. "I'm ready. Let's go." She said as she washed her food down with pumpkin juice.

The three teenagers walked to the quidditch pitch as they lively discussed which chants and moves they would perform together when Hufflepuff scored. They arrived at the quidditch pitch and scored front row seats on the Ravenclaw side. Hufflepuff was already filled with excited students. Bronson excitedly tapped on the wooden railing in front of them.

"I can't wait to kick Slytherins ass." Bronson smiled proudly.

"Hey, how come Theo isn't on the team anymore?" Sophie asked Bronson as she spotted Theo with front row seats on the Slytherin side.

"I guess he only ever played because his father wanted him to. Quit once his father stopped caring."

"Huh." Sophie said to herself.

"Hey what's that?" Cho called and pointed to the left.

A small white bird fluttered in the air towards them.

"It's headed for us." Bronson observed.

As it got closer they realized it wasn't a bird, but a paper crane fluttering its wings.

"I think it's for you." Bronson said to Sophie.

Sophie held out her hand and the paper crane landed delicately in the center. She opened the paper carefully and revealed a note.

Meet me under the bleachers after the game.


"Oooo does Malfoy want a kiss to make him feel better after the game?" Bronson whispered to Sophie.

Sophie smacked him on the shoulder. "He's got my wand. He's probably just giving it back." Sophie shook her head. She was thankful it was cold out, otherwise Bronson would have seen her blushing.

"How'd he manage that?" Bronson said.

"He didn't say." Sophie shrugged.

Before Bronson could respond a flash of yellow and black ushered by, consuming the quidditch field. The hufflepuff team was now on the field circling around. Players had their arms raised enticing the crowd to cheer for them. Bronson cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed happily. The Hufflepuff students yelled wildly as they cheered on their team. Suddenly the yellow was taken over by green and silver as the Slytherin quidditch team flew onto the field. Most of the crowd in the stands collectively booed the Slytherin team including Bronson. Sophie smacked him on the shoulder.

Summer HolidayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora