Evan The Great

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Journal Entry #2

From the second that Evan stepped foot in our dorm room, I was smitten. Ok, that sounded weird. I didn't mean it like that. I am straight. I like girls, even if none of them are interested in a loser like me. But I definitely have a man-crush on my new roommate. He is just so cool, interesting, and confident, and he is super nice. Yes, he is athletic and muscular, but he is also down to earth. He isn't the mean dumb jock that I feared.

Although he is only six foot two, it feels like he towers over me. His 220 lbs of muscle do make me look extra scrawny in comparison.

We actually have a lot in common. He also likes Marvel movies and plays Zombie Killer 3, too! He is like the brother I always wanted.

He does have an annoying habit of getting me to do things that I don't want to do. This evening, he somehow convinced me to hang out in the common room and watch a hockey game on TV with people from our floor. I hate sports and people.

He even made me promise to come watch his game next week. How does he do that?!

Journal Entry # 3

I have discovered a direct correlation between your home life and how quickly you adjust to dorm life.

Evan is the middle of three boys. He has always shared a bedroom. He has grown up being half naked around other guys in locker rooms while playing various sports. He doesn't think twice about changing in front of me or walking around the hallways half dressed. He is a hell of a lot more confident about his body than I am. He has been preparing for dorm life literally his whole life.

I, on the other hand, have been in for a culture shock this week. I was an only child until Ellie was born 5 years ago. I have always had my own room. The only time I ever spent undressing around others was in gym class during junior high and high school, and I was never overly comfortable with that, to be completely honest.

The first couple days in the dorm, I was going into a stall in the washroom to change. After seeing Evan change in front of me in our room like it was no big deal, I tried it today.

Immediately, I heard my roommate laughing and felt a sharp tug on the back of my underwear. I spun around and looked at my attacker in horror. The quick wedgie was not overly painful but very humiliating and quite unexpected.

"Tighty whities? I didn't think anyone actually wore them, well like, other than in cartoons, and nerds on TV." Teased Evan.

Seeing the panic and embarrassment on my face, he quickly apologized, "Sorry, bro. I was just messing with you. "

"It's ok," I mumbled. I was emotionally confused. I was a little freaked out, but also slightly excited and maybe a little aroused. It was not my first wedgie, but it was the first one from someone else in years.

I know in all the fictional stories I read, the tighty whities wearer is someone that never switched to boxers in their early teens like most boys do.

Embarrassingly, my story isn't the cliche. I never wore them as a young child. I wore boxer briefs my whole life. I switched to white briefs around sixteen because of my secret obsessions with wedgies. By that point, I had stopped taking gym class at school, and sadly, no girls were seeing my underwear either. I never actually thought that wearing them in real life would actually lead to me receiving a wedgie from someone.

The shy and easily embarrassed person in me is screaming to stop letting Evan see me change. The wedgie obsessed horny teen in me is hoping for more.

Journal Entry # 4

I screwed up huge! Evan caught me staring at him while he was getting changed. He was only wearing a fairly revealing pair of snug fitting blue boxer briefs. He didn't say anything, but it was super awkward after.

He must think that I am gay or super creepy... or both! I didn't mean to, but I was just distracted by how chiselled and cut his chest was. He isn't too huge like a bodybuilder, just perfectly toned. Now he is going to tell everyone that I was checking him out! I am going to be labelled "the perverted roommate". I am going to be even more of an outcast!

How do I begin to explain to him that I am not attracted to him, just extremely envious and jealous of his perfect body?

Journal Entry # 5

I just had the most amazing conversation with Evan! He mentioned that he is nervously anticipating some sort of rookie hazing from the school hockey team.

Officially, the University of Kingstown forbids hazing, but they often get around the rule by calling it a rookie training camp or using special drills designed for team building.

He told me that with his high school team, the worst that ever happened was having to carry the senior players' gear to and from the bus for them. It was more of a right of passage than an initiation ritual.

This was going to be different. He had heard stories from friends that had played for college teams before.

One story was where rookies had to wear adult diapers at practice. The outside parts of baby pacifiers were even glued to their mouth guards.

Another former teammate told him about having to skate with a shoulder wedgie. The drills picked for that particular practice were all designed to get maximum pain and discomfort from the wedgied underwear.

The best tale, however, was where if the team lost, the rookies suffered. If it was a home game, they were made to walk back across campus to the dorm's wearing only their jockstraps. If the loss was on the road, the rookies were stripped, hogtied, and gagged with their own freshly used socks or jock for the bus ride home.

I have never been so interested in college hockey before. I could only dream of being a fly on the wall when Evan's time comes. I hope he tells me every last detail.

Best of all, he hasn't said anything more about catching me staring at his amazing body yesterday. I hope it never comes up again.


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