Bound To Be Memorable (Part One)

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Journal Entry #3

I know I have missed writing for most of this week. Things have just been crazy with classes starting.

My professors seem great. The lectures are long, and there's a lot of information to take in at once. I am trying my best to take it all in while making good notes at the same time.

I wish I could say that I am adapting to dorm life just as well. The lack of privacy and personal space is taking some getting used to.

I originally assumed that my dorm room would be my safe space to hide away from the chaos of the campus. Unfortunately, it seems that every time I go back to our room, there is another sock on the doorknob. I am forced to spend most of my free time in the library, as the people hanging out in the dorm's common room are far too social for me.

Maybe I am justifiably upset about being forced from my room constantly, or maybe I am just a little jealous that Evan is living his best college life while I am not. The closest I have come to talking to a girl is when a cute blond asked me for directions yesterday. I am pretty sure I sent her in the completely wrong direction, though.

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. At least this year, my mom can't drag me to some chain restaurant where the waitstaff sings happy birthday to me, while everyone else in the place stares at me awkwardly. I hate that. My birthday wish is to not be the center of attention. Since it falls on a Saturday this year, I just want a nice quiet day, IN MY ROOM, playing Zombie Killer 3. Mom and Tom have even offered to pay for Skip the Dishes for dinner.

Journal Entry #4

I just experienced the most messed up twenty-four hours imaginable. This was definitely not a birthday that I will soon forget.

I finished eating the shawarma that Mom and Tom bought me for dinner. I was hanging in the room, playing ZK3 with Evan and our neighbor Mason. I was on a triple diamond kill streak.

The Dougler knocked on the door, and Evan let him in. "I just saw your mom's post on Instagram. Happy birthday brother", said our R.A.

"It's your birthday?" Asked Mason.

"Happy birthday, Bro!" Cheered Evan.

"Ya. Thanks." I replied bluntly, without taking my eyes off the game.

The Dougler teased, " You were a cute little kid. What happened?" As he showed my friends the photos that my mother had posted online.

"I see someone used the dorkious maximus spell on young Harry Potter," teased Mason. 

"I bet even the chess club beat you up for your lunch money," joked Evan. 

Frustrated with the distraction, I growled, "trying to game here!"

Everyone seemed to get the hint and left me alone to game in peace. I didn't mean to be rude. Sometimes, we all need a little peace and quiet. 

Had I bothered to attend The Dougler's floor meeting earlier in the week, I would have known just how screwed I was about to soon be. Unfortunately, I had decided to avoid human interaction that evening and stayed in my room to play ZK3 instead. 

Had I been aware of Chilton Hall's long-standing birthday tradition, I would have gladly chosen to go home for the weekend. I would have much rather spent breakfast, lunch, and dinner being publicly serenaded by tone deaf restaurant staff. 

A group of five or six guys from the dorm charged through my door led by my roommate. I was quickly tackled to the ground as my swivel office chair toppled over. I landed face up on the floor, my body and limbs pinned down by my many teenage attackers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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