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Seongwha stopped the car, looking over at San in the passenger seat. He did feel bad for his brother but this was their parents' idea, insisting that it would be good for the two of them to spend some time together before Seongwha completed his last year of college and San was just now beginning his last year so it would be harder for them to see each other after that. At least when they were both in college, they still saw each other. Now they wouldn't even have that. 

"Are you sure about this? We can always turn back" Seongwha pointed out. He almost wanted to turn back anyways, knowing what he would find inside the beach house that they were parked in front of. Memories, childhood, pain. 

"And do what? Mom and dad would just send us right back here again. You know how determined they are for us to spend some time together before possibly never seeing each other again" San pointed out. Seongwha shrugged and opened the door, getting out. The house looked the same mostly; the paint was a little faded and part of the fence on the back balcony was starting to splinter but otherwise, it looked fine and besides, it was just for one summer. San got out also, grabbing his duffle bag and suitcase from the trunk and looking up at the large house. It wasn't exactly that big, at least on the inside. There were only four people who stayed there every summer so there was no need for a lot of space but it was still pretty luxurious.

"Hwa, I think there's someone else here" San stated. Seongwha stopped and listened; San was right. Just barely, they could hear the sound of a shower running.v

"There shouldn't be" Seongwha dropped his backpack and went upstairs to investigate. A moment later he came back down being chased by a short guy wearing nothing but a towel.

"What do you think your doing?!" The guy huffed, looking a mixture of embarrassed and annoyed.

"Us?! What are you doing? You shouldn't be here!" Seongwha argued.

"I'm on vacation!" The shorter man crossed his arms.

"In our family vacation house? Yeah sure. You need to leave" San scoffed. Seongwha gave him a sharp look. Obviously something wasn't right but getting upset wouldn't fix it. 

"Family vacation...? What, no! I'm renting this place" The man shook his head. San rolled his eyes.

"I don't think you understand. Our family owns this house, it's not for rent or sale" Seongwh explained. The guy pulled out a paper, handing it to Seongwha, who took it. The paper was proof of the rent purchase.

"Damnit! Okay, so your being honest and not just breaking in" Seongwha was glad that was cleared up but that created another set of problems. 

"My names Kim Hongjoong, if that helps at all. If it's too much trouble, I can just go home" Hongjoong held his hand out. Seongwha shook it.

"You don't have to leave, your paying for this vacation too and that wouldn't be fair to you" Seongwha shook his head, thinking. 

"Would you mind sharing? San and I will stay in one room and you can have another" Seongwha decided. 

"What?!" San interrupted.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm sorry for the trouble" Hongjoong agreed, knowing it was better than nothing, He would feel too bad if the brothers decided to leave because of him so this was a good compromise. 

"That's settled then. San and I will go unpack. Oh by the way, I'm Seongwha and the broody one is my brother, San" Seongwha added as he was walking away.

"I'm Hongjoong. And I may have invited some friends" Hongjoong admitted. Seongwha froze but there was no way he was going to turn these people away, not if they had already paid. Plus Seongwha had a pretty good idea that this was all a setup by his parents to try and give him and San a nice summer with friends, or strangers sharing a house.

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