Sharing a room

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Over the course of the next week, five more people showed up to the house and now there wa another problem: there were only four rooms and eight people. Not to mention that half of the rooms only had one bed. You may see how this could cause a problem. 

"Do we play rock paper scissors?" Wooyoung suggested but no one was exactly eager to put the decision of who they shared with into the hands of a game based on chance. 

"Why don't we just pick a number one through four and whoever picks the same number as you is who you share with?" Jongho offered. Yeosang almost laughed. It was still a game of chance but it was a better game of chance and one that Jongho and Yeosang always won at because they actually discussed which number to pick beforehand. And it was always the same. 

"Yeah but what happens if three of us pick the same number?" Hongjoong pointed out. Jongho shrugged and the idea was discarded for another day. 

"Why don't we just say who we want to share with and go from there?" Seongwha decided. The others agreed so that was what they did. In the end, it was decided that Seongwha and San would share because they were brothers and it wouldn't be awkward for them. They even offered to take one of the rooms with only one bed, though it was queen sized so that was a plus. Jongho and Yeosang also ended up together as was their plan but it required a bit of threatening looks from them towards Wooyoung and Mingi just to get there. Hongjoong decided to share with Wooyoung, giving the younger no choice in the matter and Yunho and Mingi took the other room with two full sized beds. Although over the course of the summer, these original room arrangements would change. 

Now all eight of the room sat in the living room, just staring at each other. Wooyoung stuck close to Hongjoong, much to the older's annoyance, and Mingi was clinging to Yunho as if his life depended on it. Jongho absentmindedly played with Yeosang's hair and the smaller man let him, a shy smile on his face as he silently hoped no one noticed what Jongho was doing because that would be even more embarrassing. Seongwha and San stayed right next to each other, not sure what else to do because they didn't know any of these people and now they had to share a vacation home with these six strangers. 

Seongwha and San-one bed
Jongho and Yeosang-one bed
Yunho and Mingi-two beds
Hongjoong and Wooyoung-two beds

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