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Everyone was just sort of sitting around, doing their own thing and trying to avoid each other. San and Seongwha were now on their third round of Uno while Wooyoung watched them and pretended to be watching TV instead even though it was on a show that he didn't like and he was only half interested in. The only reason he hadn't demanded for it to be changed was because it was Yeosang's favorite show and Wooyoung adored Yeosang. Mingi was scrolling through his phone, also pretending to pay attention to the TV but not really watching. Seongwha wasn't exactly sure where the others were but he knew they were in the house somewhere. 

"I'm bored" Wooyoung sighed dramatically.

"I'm sorry" Yeosang really did not care and neither did the other three in the room. Wooyoung rolled his eyes at them.

"We should go do something" Wooyoung decided. 

"Like what?" San wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe a bonfire" Wooyoung shrugged. San looked at the others but no one seemed opposed to the idea. So they got the stuff for a bonfire and set up outside in the backyard, where the pool was. Hongjoong started the fire and the others set out chairs and then they were all sitting around the fire as the sky got dark, roasting marshmallows.

"You know....I think I remember you guys" Yeosang mentioned.

"What do you mean?" Wooyoung questioned.

"I mean I think you and I were in school together in middle school. And San and I got paired together for a field trip one time in high school" Yeosang answered. Wooyoung and San were really quiet for a minute.

"You know, he's right. We have met before" Hongjoong nodded, turning to Seongwha. "You and I did our senior project together."

Seongwha stared at him and then nodded. Yes, he remembered. But he also remembered trying to write a letter to Hongjoong and then throwing it out before giving it to the shorter man. It never would have worked anyway.

"Well, here's to memories then" Yunho grabbed a few beers and handed them around. Seongwha wasn't sure where Yunho got them but it didn't matter. By the time Seongwha woke up, he remembered absolutely nothing. But obviously something has happened because he woke up in a bed that was not his with someone wedged up against him. There were at least three other people on the bed with him and two more sprawled out on the second bed and the last two on the floor. Whoever was against Seongwha's back shifted a little.

"Mmm, morning sunshine" Hongjoong mumbled sleepily. Seongwha tensed up; shit.

Hongjoong's eyes flew open as Seongwha stumbled out of the bed, landing on the floor.

"What's wrong?" Hongjoong held a hand out to help him up but Seongwha swatted his hand away and then left the room before anything more could be said, or happened.

"Is he okay?" Jongho lifted his head, trying his best to not move considering the smaller body that was clinging to him like a leech.

"Yeah. I think so" Hongjoong nodded, rubbing his head. Yunho kicked San to wake him up.

"Go check on your brother" Hongjoong ordered. San grumbled and peeled Wooyoung off of him before heading downstairs to talk to Seongwha. Wooyoung pouted and decided to cling to Yeosang instead now. Yeosang hummed, still half asleep and wrapped an arm around his childhood best friend.

"This has got to be the gayest shit I have ever seen" Yunho pointed out, standing up from the bed. Hongjoong's eyebrow shot up.

"Your one to talk" Hongjoong snorted, motioning to Yunho and Mingi, both of which were shirtless but Mingi was just the tiniest bit more than shirtless. Yunho turned red and covered Mingi back up with the covers before leaving, Hongjoong's demonic laugh haunting him the whole way. There was one question on everyone's minds: what happened last night?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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