Chapter 3 - Meddling Kids

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Blake Manor, Crystal Cove, January 6, 2023.

5:45 am

Daphne woke up with the sound of a phone ringing. She got up immediately, because she knew that noise meant "FBI urgent news". So, she wrapped a warm robe around herself and went downstairs to check what was going on. A few minutes later, Bart Blake passed her on the living room.

Daphne: Dad, what happened? A new crime? Is there a killer around?

Bart: Don't worry, sweetheart, nothing serious! Just some good news about a very old case... now, go back to bed, you need to rest!

As always, Bart didn't give her further details. He just kissed the top of his youngest daughter's head and left. Annoyed, Daphne crossed her arms and followed the image of her father leaving the mansion. While getting into the car, she heard him mention "Riverdale" while talking to some agent on his cell phone, and that made her suspect it was all about Molly Becker case. In her room, Daphne accessed True Crime Forum, and she came across the photos and messages from user Mystery Inc. about James Arthur's house. "Good job, Mystery Inc., another mystery solved! Your clues are amazing, as always. Thank you for your help solving another cold case", were the words that cherryred posted, ending another topic. Then, Daphne returned to bed and slept peacefully, feeling important for helping grieving parents.

7:50 am

Daphne realized she hadn't heard the alarm clock when Cosette knocked on her door, announcing that breakfast was ready. She asked for a minute to get ready, and said she would like to have breakfast with her parents in the dining room. When she tried to leave her room, Jenkins stopped her.

Jenkins: It's not a good time, Miss. Blake. Your parents are a bit nervous, and they don't want anyone's company. So, they've asked you and Miss. Daisy to have breakfast in your own rooms.

Daphne sighed and rolled her eyes, showing frustration, then she sat on her bed and waited Cosette to set the table.

Daphne: Won't you tell me what's going on? At least, tell me why the hell my father left at 5 am! Or why they are nervous and don't want us around!

Jenkins: They don't want to scare you, Miss. Blake...

Daphne: And they have miserably failed! I'm not 6 anymore,ok? I deserve to know, don't you think?

The butler sighed and looked at the maid, who responded with a frightened facial expression.

Cosette: If you're going to tell her, wait me finish and let me leave, I don't want to get involved!

Jenkins didn't say a word, he just picked up the remote control and turned the television on. The first channel showed breaking news about Molly Becker case. The next channel showed local police and the FBI inside an abandoned house, and Daphne recognized it was James Arthur's house. After showing the case was receiving extensive coverage in four or five different channels, Jenkins made her understand the reason of Blake family's crisis.

Daphne: A case solved after 26 years is a good thing, isn't it? Why are my parents so worried?

Again, without saying a word, the butler tuned in to a channel that showed a morning talk show. In it, the presenter interviewed Molly Becker's parents and, in tears, they said harsh words about the FBI and the American judicial system. "It's frustrating to pay taxes to keep a judicial system that simply doesn't work. And it's ridiculous that meddling kids from community are more efficient than forensic professionals. I feel humiliated!", were the exact words said by Molly Becker 's mother. To make matters worse, the headline mentioned the names of Nan Blake, agent Diane Staton and some police officers involved. The next channel showed some journalists trying to interview the Beckers when they left the police station. "Mr. Becker, how do you feel knowing that your daughter's case could have been solved in 2021 if the FBI and the courts had used Roy Keener's testimony?", was the only question Daphne heard before Jenkins tuned in to another channel, and it made her feel panic. The next channel showed a debate between experts and ordinary people. The headline question was: " When justice fails, is it acceptable to let peaople search for answers?", and there was huge discussion between law professionals (who thought such a thing is dangerous) and families of victims, who defended it. Daphne got so nervous that she couldn't pay attention to the discussion, and her panic got worse when the participants mentioned True Crime Forum and its most efficient users: cherryred and Mystery Inc.

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