Chapter 7 - The Stranger

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Darrow University Campus, Crystal Cove

January 8, 2023 – 1 am

Velma slept very soundly, and she woke up confused. After putting on her glasses, her brain slowly realized she was home, and the nap she had taken after returning from San Francisco had lasted a many hours. Norville was sleeping beside her. Before getting up to get something to eat, she covered him and kissed his forehead. In the living room, she saw Scooby-Doo lying on the couch and chewing a sock, while watching cartoons. That scene irritated Velma, however, she did not scold the dog – after all, she knew that his owner was responsible for that.

While eating, she read Fred's messages reporting the strange events involving the book and Daphne Blake. "Why on earth would someone like Daphne Blake die suddenly? And in the same way as James Arthur and Allyra Mahon? Certainly, someone tried to kill her, and had the intention to bury the book next to her body!", said Fred's last message. "Elementary, my dear Watson, but today's date does not form a palindrome", was the first response that Velma typed, but, apparently, he was not awake to answer her. "So, I don't think she is the victim. I think she is the killer, and something went wrong", she continued. Suddenly, she was interrupted by Scooby-Doo's head on her lap, begging for a slice of whatever she was eating.Velma sighed and threw a cookie way far from her, to make the dog go away. Unfortunately, in less than 5 seconds, Scooby returned and begged for more food, and Velma had to throw many cookies all over the living room to have some peace during her night meal. When she finally got her phone again, Fred had answered "Bullshit", and on the following moment, called her.

Fred: I heard the agents, Vel. She was in Riverdale, just some blocks away from the place James Arthur died. And she mentioned that an old man kidnapped her... it can be the same killer...

Velma: The same killer would attack in the same way. Which means: in a palindrome date. If this happened out of his modus operandi, it was probably an accident. And if it was an accident, I think we should consider that Daphne Blake is not exactly what your filthy dreams think she is.

Fred: What do you mean?

Velma: Have you ever heard of those crazy sects that only very rich and famous people join? I mean... maybe Daphne is part of the cult we're investigating. That's the only logical explanation for the fact that she had such a rare book. Plus, as you've said, she didn't w ant the police to see the book...why?

Fred fell silent for a while, and Velma understood that silence was caused because she said Daphne Blake was a villain.

Fred: Bullshit. She's already rich and famous. She bled to death, Velma, and she was truly scared. Why would she be part of a sect that wanted to kill her?

Velma: Maybe she wasn't aware that they wanted to kill her. Probably, the sect lured her with fame and fortune promises, but, of course, didn't tell her their real intentions. Then, when she finally understood she would be killed, she got scared, ran away and told everyone what she had witnessed.

Fred didn't answer, and Velma continued, to prove she was right.

Velma: Well, it seems like a sacrifice, Fred, you can't deny. Occultism sects do this kind of shit for their beliefs. And Daphne fits the "damsel in distress" profile, yet I doubt a girl like her is a virgin. Hmm...or, worse, maybe she wasn't the aim. Maybe she was in an iniciation rite to join the sect and something went terribly wrong. You've said she mentioned the exact name of the man who died of mysterious bleeding, how could she know so much if she were a mere victim?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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