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It's been 2 months since I saw her for  last time. I don't know what happened or where she is. She promised she will be back.

I went to the shopping mall with Nam to buy some clothes and supplements for me.

We have been here for a long time and I'm tired.

"Nam, I'm tired" I said and sat on a bench.

"Stay here, I'll go and buy some milk tea for you" she said and i nodded.

Even though i don't like milkteas, because of her I'm craving for it.

As I was immersed in my thoughts i felt like I heard her voice. And just like before i thought I was halusinating. But I was wrong, i could hear her voice more clearly now.

"Don't they have brains, should we teach them basics too" I heard her voice loud and clear. I looked around and saw her talking on the phone.

I ran towards her and embraced her. I thought she would hug me back. But I was wrong. Someone pulled me away from her.

"What the hell are you doing, do you know who this is" the person who pulled me away from her asked. I thought she would be mad at the person but when I looked at her, I met the cold intense glare. Which was very unlike of her.

She was wearing a tux, a branded one. She looked like a CEO, a highclass person. The lady beside her fixed her tie and suit

"Don't touch her" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, why can't I touch my own fiance" the lady beside her asked me. I was speechless for a moment

I wanted to say a lot, ask her why she left and never came back. Ask her how her sister is doing now. But no words came to my mouth

"Let's go baby, we are getting late for the meeting " the lady spoke again. I looked at them. She just nodded and went with her.

A tear escaped my eyes when I saw her leaving with another women.

Is that the end of our love.

I rubbed my tummy gently, 'I think we are better off without your dada'. I whispered to my baby bumb and walked away from there.

Who was she, why does she looks so familiar. Why does my heart hurted when I saw her tearing up.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I remembered the hug she gave me. I've never get so safe around someone. I felt familiarity.

'Cling' the elevator opened.

"This way madam" my secretary said and i nodded.

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