Chapter 2: what have you done

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Vannasai runs sweating she had her taser in her hands tightly she ran out of the security ''this has to be some glitch that couldn't have been real!''Vannasai said loudly running she looked around the corner and saw foxy ''Foxy wheres lol-''Vannasai froze  foxy looked behind him at her his arm was covered with blood and there was a relived look on his face but also still a tired look ''oh hello''Foxy said lolbit was on the ground not moving as blood flowed around her  ''what have you done....What have you done!''Vannasai said pointing her taser at him ''you said to deal with lolbit so that's what I did ''Foxy said ''Shes your fiance! why would you do this''Vannasai said ''do what?''Foxy said tilting his head to the side as blood dripped from his claws ''You killed her what do you think!''Vannsai yelled  ''oh shes not dead if she was she  would poof to dust and so what she'll just respawn ''foxy said 

''Still this isn't li-''Vannsai said getting interrupted  by foxy shushing her ''do you hear that?''Foxy said looking around Vannasai looks around ''your insane Foxy''Vannasai said ''what? noooo i'm not I think someones watching us but  I'll figure it out good bye''Foxy said walking off ''Hey hold on your not going anywhere''Vannasai said running over foxy looks at the taser and his eyes go sharp ''NO!''Foxy slashed at her hitting her eye vannasai stumbled back dropping her taser ''AH''Vannsai covered her face as blood dripped down Foxy ran away 

''Hey! get back here!''Vannsai said covering her eye with one hand grabbing the taser and shooting at him the taser misses ''uhhh''Lolbit looked up slightly her eyes faded Vannsai sat back ''wheres foxy''Lolbit said weakly ''ugh I don't know but his lost his mind do you throw a potion at him or something'' Vannsai said ''no he just grabbed my arm when I was trying to check his temperature and then he flipped out''Lolbit said getting a potion putting it over her wound it healed slowly and then she poured a little on vannasai's eye it healed slightly but a scar was still there  ''thanks but foxy's dangerous ''Vannsai said getting up helping lolbit up ''no kidding but who knows maybe his just tired and in just two days he'll just pretend this didn't happen''Lolbit said  ''still his never done something like this''Vannsai said pointing to her scar on her eye ''uh yeah but hes freaked out like this before well it was a bit more ..calmer I guess''Lolbit said she said looking at the blood on the ground ''well whatever it is he has to go to candy cadet to get check out or something ''Vannsai said 

''well i'll see if I can go talk to him ''Lolbit said walking away ''you know his probably going to kill you''Vannsai said ''nooo well maybe but doesn't hurt to try''Lolbit said walking away Vannsai sighs and goes back in the security room Lolbit walks in her room and it was a complete mess lolbit tried turning on the lights but  they were broken lolbit was scared now ''uh foxy are you here?'' Lolbit said walking around she heard moving upstairs lolbit quietly walked upstairs she  walked around she looked under the bed Axel and mr. sparkles were hiding under shivering ''what?''Lolbit said quietly petting them''hey do you too know where foxy is?''lolbit said then something breaks  downstairs in the bathroom Lolbit gets up and goes downstairs she looks at the door she walks over and knocks on the door ''uh foxy you in there?''Lolbit said there was some dripping sounds Lolbit opens the door when she figured out it was locked ''Foxy?''Lolbit said walking in foxy had scratch marks along his arms and back his claws were covered in his blood mixed with lolbit's and there was broken glass on the floor ''Foxy! what did you do!''Lolbit said pulling foxy's hands away from his shoulders

''Let go of me!''Foxy said ''NO your gonna kill yourself!''Lolbit said ''I need to stop the voice his in my head again!''Foxy said trying to pull his hands out of Lolbit's hands ''The voice isn't in your head! stop!''Lolbit said pulling foxy's hands down Foxy slammed his head on the wall ''Stop foxy! ''Lolbit yelled and then eventually foxy fell uncoiousu ''Foxy? FOXY!''Lolbit said shaking him slightly she put her head against foxy's chest trying to hear his heartbeat it was beating quickly but still beating Lolbit sighed but looked around at the broken glass and the blood everwhere





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